
Ch. 11: "A CERTAIN PAST pt. 1"

* a Few minutes earlier*

Everyone was watching on a large screen at Rylee and his squadron as they departed from the walls and was now heading towards the A-Class Demon.

"What is an A-Class anyway?" Rei asked Chase who was standing beside him.

"The class of a demon is determined by their height and how much dark energy they possess, for a demon to be determined an A-Class it must be 40 meters or higher, due to their height their body has only a thin layer of armor but despite that they have a very special ability" Chase explained.

"Special ability?" He asked.

"I don't know much about the classifications to those things, the professor knows a lot about them though so you should just ask her" Chase pointed at Misty before walking to his desk.

Rei didn't have an idea on how to ask the professor as she looked very serious while watching what is currently happening on the screen. He built up the courage to walk and stand beside her which he successfully does, but at that point, he still had no idea how to ask her, he was about to speak when she suddenly talked to him.

"The special ability of an A-Class demon is element manipulation or weather manipulation, is the answer to your question" She said.

Rei was staring at her and not speaking.

"The A-Class's ability affects its surroundings, it can change the weather to extreme heat which will burn everything around it within a certain radius, it could sometimes brew storms above it, or it could freeze everything around it also within a certain radius. That ability is caused by another core, which means an A-Class Demon would most-likely have two cores embedded in its body" She explained.

Rei was speechless, he looked back at the screen and stared at the black figure, the professor then contacted squadron III to check on them. As she was doing that Rei saw a small light on the right leg of the demon, he looked around to check if someone else saw it too but it seems like he was the only one.

"Did you already spot the second core commander Hugo?" The professor asked.

Rei overheard the commander as he answered a no towards the professor, Rei did not hesitate when he saw that the squadron was not able to move any closer to the demon.

"It's on the front leg" Rei said while pointing at the screen.

"How can you tell?" the professor asked with her unsure if she should trust what he just said.

"I saw it, I think no one else did but I saw it, there was a small white light on its right leg" Rei explained.

The professor stared at Rei while he explained, she stared very at him carefully as he resembled the appearance of the former head professor of the lab.

"I see so you saw a light on its leg, did anyone else see anything on the other parts of its body?" the professor asked the staff but no one answered.

"You heard him, Commander Hugo, try shooting its leg, and if that doesn't work you know what the next course of action is" She said to the commander who she was talking to over the earpiece.

And with a sudden light what Rei said was correct the heat that burned everything around the monster slowly disappeared but that wasn't good enough to stop it.

The squadron then began their attack, everyone was about to celebrate when Ashley took the supposedly finishing shot. But everyone was stunned by what they saw, everyone except Rei who had a small smile on his face felt a shiver down their spine.

"Are you seeing this professor?" Commander Hugo suddenly said over the earpiece.

"Yes, do you have any idea what it is?" The professor asked.

Hugo was about to speak when their connections were suddenly lost, their earpiece suddenly started making screeching sounds, that they immediately removed it. 

Without thinking for a second Hugo orders his squadron to spread a special order given by him.

"Every Star user is to fire at that black figure without any hesitation!" He ordered.

He checked on his scope to see the situation of Rylee and his squadron, when he saw the others running he immediately fired and so did everyone else.

Misty was now worried while everyone at the central was now panicking, everyone except Chase who seemed to be asleep. And after a few moments, their communication system went back online.

"MISTY! MISTY!" Hugo said through a camera placed on top of the wall.

"Send a rescue team towards the location of Squadron III, Rylee's subordinates are heading back!" He ordered.

Everything was a mess no one knew what happened, the rescue team was sent out immediately it was composed of robots who are programmed to take care of anyone who is injured and they have no program on fighting.

Misty was now in a state of shock looked around as everyone was now panicking, she then saw Rei in the corner of his eye showing a wide smile that was about to reach his ear, but as she turned around to face him the smile she saw disappeared and was replaced with a very worried and scared face.

As the rescue team was out to save the squadron III their commander was left behind, Rylee was now face to face with the terrifying creature, while he was about the shoot a blast with a hidden weapon in his right arm the creature suddenly spoke.

"Rylee... Have you forgotten me?" as the creature finished its sentence large black demonic wings emerged from its back and it flew up in the sky.

Rylee on the other hand felt a very heavy feeling as if he was being pulled down by gravity, a few moments later without him realizing he was already laying on the ground face down, his eyes started to close on their now putting him in a deep sleep.

The creature looked down on Rylee and laughed, its laugh was heard even at the inside of the central which is located underground.

"FIRE!" Hugo ordered, all the men started mercilessly firing at the creatures, before any of those attacks could hit him, it covered itself with those black gigantic wings.

When the firing halted, it suddenly spoke, its voice echoed everywhere.

"How weak humans! Even with borrowed powers, you are still weak" it laughed before flying to the sky and disappearing.

Another rescue team was sent to rescue the commander, when the rescue team came he was now in critical condition. After being rescue he was immediately sent to a room where the professor operated on him to bring him back.

 Five hours have passed but the operation was not yet done, the squadron III are now resting in a room where they are all together.

"Do you have any idea what it was?" Cecelia asked, but the room was silent.

None of them had any idea on what they just saw, all they knew is the thing they saw is not what an A-class would look like. After a few minutes of silence the door was suddenly opened, Professor Misty entered the room, but before she could close the door Cecelia asked the question everyone would ask.

"Is the Commander alright?" her voice was filled with worry.

"He's stable, but he will not be able to be your commander a while" Misty answered.

The room was once again filled with silence.

*At Rylee's room*

Rylee's room was filled with silence the only thing that can be heard was the sound of the machine that was used to measure his heartbeat.

"Huh? What happened? Why am I here?" The commander thought as he opened his eyes, he tried to speak but was unable even a mumble didn't leave his mouth.

His eyes then began to feel itchy but his body was unable to move so he tried blinking, but as he blinked his surrounding slowly began changing. The hospital room that he was supposed to be in slowly turned into a meeting room where in people were looking at him, their mouths were moving but he heard nothing.

Slowly he began hearing the voices of those around him.

"Commander Rylee are you okay?" the man beside him asked.

He looked confused as he did not know a single person in the room; he simply nodded his head indicating that he is alright.

After a few minutes, a woman suddenly barges through the door.

"The Princess is here!!" a woman screamed in a high pitched tone.

The voice somehow resembles someone who Rylee knows, he slowly turned his head and to his surprise, it was Misty, but with a large height gap.

"This woman, she's Misty, even though I don't know where I am or why I am here, that woman who entered just now is the same Misty I know, yet why does she seem so tall?" Rylee thought.

"RYLEE!!!!!!" Misty screamed as she ran towards Rylee before suddenly hugging him.

Not a single word came out of Rylee's mouth as he felt her large chest press on his back; he turned around and saw everyone at the table clenched their teeth.

Rylee was about to grab her hand to make her let go of him when another person suddenly entered the room.

"Misty, please take a seat, our meeting will now proceed"

The voice was familiar yet Rylee could not remember whose voice it was, he again turned his head around to see who it was, and to his surprise, a man was standing in front of the door wearing a suit, the man had beautiful long pink-colored hair, but his eyes were covered by white cloth blindfolds.

Rylee stared at the man as he walked towards an open seat, he looked closely trying to figure out who it was but nothing came to mind.

"As all of you know right now the end is near and is coming faster than expected," the man said.

"According to a soldier in the north-east camp outside the walls, a large horde of demons is approaching the eastern gate, which is currently weak due to the last battle against a devil" another man spoke.

Rylee listened as new words entered his brain he realizes that this world is rather similar to where he came from.

"Right now we need to reinforce soldiers at the eastern gate or this place would end up being a feeding place for those creatures" a man beside Rylee spoke.

"Yes the East does need reinforcements but we at the North will not send help," another person said.

"The South cannot provide any assistance to the East as there are sights of a leviathan sized creature lurking near the walls" The one in front of Rylee said.

The people around him then began debating on whether who will give reinforcements to the East, it was chaos, each man screaming at one another. Rylee did not peep a single word when he was suddenly shocked as a warm object was placed on his shoulder.

"My, I'm sorry Rylee did I startle you?" Misty said who intentionally place a cup of coffee on his shoulder.

"It's fine" Rylee replied as he grabbed the coffee and placed it on the table.

Misty smiled at Rylee before she walked and stood behind the man with pink hair.


Everyone was petrified by her voice, they looked like puppies being scolded by their owner, and Rylee looked at her as her face looked so fierce, he sipped a bit from the coffee with a small smile on his face.

It was a moment of silence no one dared to speak a single word after Misty yelled at them.

"This is quite troublesome isn't it" The man who was sitting in front said.

The man stood up and slowly untied the backside of his blindfold.

"Well you see, we are the only hope of this place, and I will not allow this place to be destroyed by those pesky creatures. This place is where I grew up and the place where I shall meet my end when the time comes, I never asked anyone of you if you were willing to lose some soldiers on this battlefield, well to be his meeting is not for the sake of the walls, this meeting is about who will become the next leader in this military"

Everyone was shocked to hear those words; the room just grew more silent.

"As the Director I will be the one to face that horde if any of you pleases to join me it would be a pleasure, but also as the director, will need someone to take charge if ever something bad was to happen"

Rylee started as the eyes of the director werereeeeeabout to be shown, he became suspicious of who this person was after hearing him call himself the director.

"The next person I will choose is..." and at the very same time the last piece of cloth was removed, the man pointed directly at Rylee.

Rylee stared at the man's crystal-like blue colored eyes, he looked at everyone else but it seemed that he was the only person to see its beauty.

Everyone stood up and saluted to Rylee, their eyes were all filled with hope as if they already expected him to become the director, no one objected to the current director's decision. But what they wanted to know was what Rylee will do about the current situation.

Rylee stood up and also saluted as it was an act of instinct when suddenly a man crashed towards the door breaking it open.

"Director! There's another Devil" the person screamed.

"Devil? I see so there were two huh" the director said.

"A new reading just came in, it said that a few minutes ago a large dark energy emerged at the very front of the horde it's as if he was the one leading!" the person explained.

"Then Rylee and I shall take care of those things," the director said with a proud voice.

"Misty, if things are to go bad everyone at the eastern gate is to be sacrificed, all of you commanders return to your areas and prepare for the worst, this might be the end for us" the commander continued.

Everyone rushed out of the room and ran towards their vehicles. The only people left inside the room were Rylee, Misty, and the Director.

"You see my eyes right Rylee?" the director asked.

Rylee took a while before he said his reply, "I did, am I the only one who can see it?"

"So he can see it!" Misty said in a very joyful voice.

"Well Rylee, it seems like the only person who can see the color of my eye is you," the director said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Rylee asked.

[Chapter End]

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