
Week 52 - pt 1

14th October

Connor and Stenton had returned to school. Autumn was not looking forward to Connors' return. She'd kept in contact with Stenton as they had lessons together and his father didn't want him to miss out on any of his education; he'd asked work to be sent home. Autumn had taken it upon herself to take it around and tutor him where she could.

She'd been around Stenton's almost every night unless Daniel or his other friends were there offering him their notes from classes they shared.

Stenton had been grateful to everyone who had chipped in and helped, unfortunately for Connor he would have to stay behind after school for the following week to catch up. He'd had notes of his classwork sent home, but with no tutor he had no damn clue what the fuck the homework was about hands the after school sessions were to commence today.

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