
Lady Beacon

The Ladies saw Ezy put down the white rabbit and walk slowly at the black puma and brush his adorable hand to the black puma fur head making the ladies worry inside.

They saw the black puma tremble on Ezy's action and they all prayed inside for nothing bad to happened to Ezy.

But Everything went well as they saw the black puma stop trembling and lick adorably Ezy's hand cutely.

"We will call you Juma from now on..." Ezy hugs the feline lovingly making the ladies melt inside.

After that interaction with Ezy, the black puma slowly became accustomed to the people who are taking care of her and became healthy now because it was easy for the ladies to feed her.

Meanwhile in the present day,

Ezy is now sitting and Juma still continues licking Ezy on his face making him giggle.

As this is happening, a white blur went out from a bush and stops beside Ezy's side.

"Beggy! I missed you..." Ezy stands up and softly brushes his hand on Beggy's large head only reaching her left jaw.

The sun illuminated Beggy's body showing a two-year-old white Bengal Tiger but what sad about Beggy is that she is missing a left front leg. Beggy was saved from being killed by a village in India for killing a couple who lived with them.

The Roza Ubiytsa in the area heard about it and talk to the village leader not to kill the animal showing them that the couple that was killed is part of a big group under investigation for hunting Bengal Tigers for their fur while the villagers found fresh harvested Tiger hide on their basement.

The Villagers now understand why this couple became a target for the tiger smelling her own kind around the couple's house, but the Leader of the village still decided to kill it fearing that this Tiger may come back and take revenge on them.

The Roza Ubiytsa lady heard it and propose to them to buy the tiger and bring it away and was smuggled to Ezy's location. Beggy has a gunshot injury on one of her legs but because curing it was too late, her wound had an infection endangering Beggy's life so the Doctor amputates it to save her.

The Tiger named Beggy by Ezy but she doesn't like being touch by other people except for Ezy.

Beggy looked at the distance like avoiding Ezy's eyes letting herself be touch by him.

"Hehehe... Prideful like always Beggy!" Ezy hugged Beggy, covering his face on Beggy's thick fur.

Beggy felt Ezy's hug while she relaxes and closed her eyes as she starts purring.

But they were disturbed by two big Grizzly Bear who just hug them both upon arrival making Beggy jump back away with an irritated expression showing.

"Grizy and Gigi, how are you two!" Ezy hugged back at the bears while on Grizy's head, Bonnie was sitting there comfortably.

Grizy and Gigi are both six months old female Brown Grizzly Bear siblings that Ezy's Roza Ubiytsa rescued, who lost their bear mother from the hunters.

After spending five minutes with the animals, Ezy waves farewell at them and disappears continuing his travel to the next area filled with many people surrounding a big looking like a cathedral made with concrete and marble materials with some real gold outlining its edges making it look more majestic to look at.

While on the top instead of a cross, a golden statue of a baby was smiling angelically looking down while its arms were open like it welcomes all the people who see it.

The front had three doors made with wood and gold but the door in the middle was built big for ten persons can enter side by side.

The floor is made of black marble with some gold and silver mixed on it like the black space while the silver and gold as stars and planets.

The walls are painted with pure white and some gold for an outline with many artistic carves of babies everywhere.

The roof is painted with a large Shiluette of a person in the blue sky and just watching everything happening to the world.

The building had many term stained glass windows but seven big windows show its own story for the people to understand it.

1st one shows a baby surrounded by different kinds of animals making different colors.

2nd window shows a baby holding a Regadera spraying water to the flowers and plants around him while there are many trees in the background.

3rd window shows a baby standing in front of a large group of people who are kneeling around him like waiting for the baby to lead them to salvation.

4th window shows a baby giving a bowl of soup to a person in a receiving posture.

5th window shows a baby carrying a long sword but the tip of the long sword is scraping the ground leaving a mark while the baby faces many black silhouettes in the dark while a beam of light shines on the baby.

6th window shows a large number of people building a structure but what you can observe is the people are helping each other while the baby watches them like praising their hard work.

The 7th window is the largest one found on the end and middle of the hall where all the people will be facing. It illustrates the silhouette of the large person on the roof standing with its hands open like giving a gift to the person who is seeing this portrait while you can see on the big hand a sleeping baby.

In this big grant hall, only one big chair can be found below the 7th window for everyone to see.

The chair is elevated by eight flights of stairs while if you look closely at the chair, it looks more like an awesome throne made with expensive materials.

It is made of pure gold and white soft slip seat for comfy with arms to lean on. four adult persons can sit on it while the back of the throne is tall as a person with a soft white splat. The gold frame of the chair is carved with ladies wearing Greek Antique Dress hugging and supporting the throne.

Ezy smiles ear to ear seeing again his building made art idea being proud inside that this with be the first beacon light for all the lost beautiful sexy ladies to gather and in the future for him to harvest.

Ezy's drool falls to the floor making a trail of saliva while he daydreams about the long future as he travels to the location where he will be cleaned and change attire.

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