
Uzaki-Chan? - 3

Hours after dinner, Yanagi found herself leaning over her windowsill, peering out her bedroom window as she watched Kaito walk away.

It was already getting dark out, but surprise surprise, he was not on his way home, but on the way to the gym.

'Who could have ever predicted that?' she snorted.

As she told her brother earlier, he practically lived at the gym. Actually, lately he was there even more than usual.

Anytime she called him outside of school hours, there was at least a fifty percent chance he was at the gym.

It was no wonder her dad was so fond of him. Kaito was the only person she'd ever met that out muscle-headed her goof of a father.


"Is something bothering him?" she wondered aloud.

She remembered last Friday he was super tense all day, and now this yakuza nonsense with that fight he was in this morning.

It was driving an even larger wedge between him and the guys at school and getting him even more attention from the girls.

He was already pretty popular with girls. He was good looking, muscular, the rising star of one of their sports teams and had on multiple occasions put an end to the pervy schemes of those three perverted losers.

The only reason girls had kept distance before, was because he was pretty intense and with his tall height and muscular build could be rather intimidating.

Now that it was getting around how he protected Murayama from some delinquent though, he was being made it to be some knight in shining armour by the girls through the school.

Truly the only thing faster than light was high school gossip.

Yanagi sighed in annoyance, "Just what I need." she groaned. The lack of competition had meant she could take things slow.

And he needed slow.

For all his confidence, intelligence, good looks and strength. He had a bit of an inferiority complex about being an orphan with no money to his name.

Whenever she ever broached the topic of him getting a girlfriend, that was always his excuse. So she'd spent her time playing the long game and trying to smash it through his thick skull that she didn't give a crap about that.

Honestly, if it weren't for the fact Kuoh had a whole, no working jobs policy while attending it, he'd probably have a part time job at this point and not worry about it.

She could probably have got Hana to set him up at the cafe she worked at part time, it apparently was really popular and paid well.

But nope, sadly Shitori-kaichou was a real stickler for stupid rules like that.

'She's a weirdo.' Yanagi mused. A suspicious weirdo at that. The people she recruited to the student council were totally sus and didn't fit their roles at all for the most part.

And she swore Shitori-kaichou had her eyes on Yanagi herself and came down harder on Kaito than she did anyone else.

"Not important," Yanagi mused, shaking her head, "The real issue is Murayama-san." she frowned.

She'd need to keep an eye out for her and other girls.

"Nothing I can do about it for now I suppose." Yanagi huffed and turned away from the window.

She walked over to her bed and plopped down on it and turned her attention back to the game she had been playing with Kaito before he decided it was time to leave for the gym.

"Where's my…" she looked around for the control pad, before noticing it on the windowsill.

Oops. Well, whatever. Yanagi held up her hand and a golden glow shone briefly beneath her bangs.

The control pad shot across the room and landed in her hand.


Tsuki-san was a really good cook. Kaito honestly couldn't remember the last time he'd had such a delicious meal.

…Had he ever actually?

'I suppose that's one reason to take Yanagi up on her offer to come over to my place.' Kaito snorted.

She was always bragging about how good of a cook she was to him. If he could eat more like that, it might even be worth Fujio's over the top reactions.

Honestly, he couldn't say it wasn't fun at the very least.

As it was, as much as he'd have loved to stay over longer, and he was really enjoying playing a game with Yanagi and her company.

The grind awaited.

So, to the gym he went.

After getting Tsuki-san to pierce his ear before he left. His left ear lobe of course.

You after all, only got your right ear pierced as a man, if you wanted to broadcast that you liked taking it up the bum.

Once he was out of sight of the Uzaki household, Kaito decided to get straight down to business.

He ducked down an alley way between two buildings and got out of sight from the main populace traversing the streets.

And as he did, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the magatama he'd taken for his own earlier.

And thoroughly disinfected in the Uzaki households bathroom.

Unclipping the hoop the magatama was held upon, Kaito brought it up to his ear and after a few uncomfortable misses, managed to slip it through the new hole in his earlobe and clicked the hoop shut, securing it to his ear.

Nothing happened.

"Well, that was disapp-" Kaito was cut off as a shining red light erupted from his ear and lit up the alleyway.

A flame like cloak of crimson red bubbled into existence around his body and a rushing sensation ran down his spine and through his veins.

But as quick as it happened, it stopped, the feeling rushing through him ended and the crimson red aura disappeared in the blink of an eye as if it were never there to begin with.

"What the fuck?" Kaito blinked, a bit dazed.

He tried to focus on the magatama hanging from his ear like he would his Sacred Gear.

But nada, nothing.

He frowned and brought out his phone, bringing up the camera app and switching the view around so he could see his face on the screen.

He noticed one glaring change.

The magatama had turned from white, to a scarlet red. 'Signifying a C-rank toshi if I remember right.' his frown deepened.

He was not a toshi though.

He honestly hadn't expected it to react to him at all. He just wanted to feel it in close proximity to his body at all times to get a feel for the energy within it.

And it wasn't like he felt any stronger or anything either. A toshi's inherit abilities were inherited from the soul contained in the sacred beads, and when they obtained the sacred bead themselves and wore them, those inherited abilities were enhanced and empowered.

Honestly, Kaito wasn't even sure how a toshi could inherit the power of the soul within the sacred beads, before ever getting them in the first place, but then he didn't understand a lot of went on with the supernatural mumbo jumbo that bounced around this world of his.

"Well now, that was an interesting sight, now wasn't it?" a voice from behind Kaito forced him to pause in his thoughts.

He hadn't even heard anyone approach him.

Whirling around rapidly, shoulders tense, Kaito found himself staring at a tall brown haired man, roughly his height with distinct non Japanese features. He was clad in all white clothing, pants and a button down shirt, except for a some form of long trench coat he wore over the top, golden lapels on the front.

The man was casually leaning against a dumpster and eyeing him with interest in his beady grey eyes.

All my stories are way farther ahead on my Pa---tr---eon if you guys wanna read ahead, the link to it is in any of my story summaries.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts
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