
Chapter 20: Imprints

I wrapped my arms around Jake's neck and I never wanted to let go. We were both crying and holding each other like nothing could separate us. His oil, rain, forest smell filled my nose. It felt so good to be back in his arms, I have missed him more than anyone knowns. I haven't felt whole since the last time I saw him but now that I have him back I am more complete than I ever have been,

"Jake I love you." I said crying.

"I love you to, and I am so sorry." He said crying to.

Everyone left at this point to give us some privacy. Jake finally put me down. I was looking at the floor until he pulled up my chin with his hand.

I looked into his brown eyes and then BAM it hit me. It felt like it was only Jake, that nothing else mattered in the world, that it wasn't gravity holding you to the Earth it was him. I saw our future together. I saw us walking down the beach holding hand, I was pregnant and then I saw a little boy running in front of us. Then I looked over it was Jake I loved him more than life itself I never wanted someone more in my life.

Then it stopped I guess I was in a daze because when I came back from the vison I saw Jake looking at me the same way I looked at him. It was with more love and passion than I have ever seen Jake look at me with.

"Jake, are you alright?" I asked stilling holding his hand.

He shook his head and looked back at me.

"Yeah, did you see what I saw?" He asked looking at me with eagerness.

"Depends, what did you see?" I smirked.

"I saw us on the beach you were pregnant and then a little boy was running in front of us." He explained,

"Then yes, I did see what you saw. Then the feeling was like." He cut me off.

"Like there was no one else their, that it wasn't gravity holding you to the Earth it was the other person." He said happily.

"Yeah exactly that." I smiled brightly.

"CONGRATS!!" Everyone yelled from the edge of the woods.

Everyone came running down to where we were. They looked at us like we should know what just happened.

"I'm confused." Is aid looking at them for answers.

"You guys imprinted on each other at the same time." Sam yelled.

"Imprinted?" Jake asked.

"Yes imprinted it's when a wolf finds it's soulmate but like 10x stronger, and if one of the imprints cheat it hurts them and the other imprint really bad," Paul explained.

"How come we didn't imprint earlier?" Jake asked.

"I don't know, maybe it's because you guys weren't ready yet." Sam said shrugging his shoulder.

"Oh well," I started.

"I guess your my imprint Madilyn Black." HE smiled brightly.

"Woah there buddy we ain't married yet." I giggled.

"Yet." He smirked.

"Eww get a room." Embry laughed scrunching his nose.

"Maybe we will." I smirked and laughed at Embry.

"Oh yeah?" Jake smirked at me.

"Yup." I said smirking back.

Then Jake suddenly picked me up bridle style. I giggled and blushed, and he laughed at me because I blushed.

"So who's hungry?" Emily asked smiling.

We all yelled "ME" in unison. She laughed and we all headed to the pack house. We finally got to the pack house but Jake held my hand and didn't let me go inside yet.

"So what are we?" He asked.

"I mean we are soulmates." I said.

"Ok then, Madilyn will you be my girlfriend?" He asked giggling.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend hot stuff." I laughed and smiled.

He then picked me up and we walked inside. I asked Emily if she had any clothes I could wear. She said yes and then took me to her room. She gave me a pair of cotton shorts and a sports bra I had left last time. I went to the bathroom and put it on then walked back out to the living room.

I walked out and Paul being the nasty perv he is he whistled at me and looked me up and down with a smirk. Jake growled at him, and of course me being the good girlfriend I am I flipped off Paul and walked to Jake and sat on his lap.

"Calm down hot head, I'm all yours don't worry." I said then kissed him on the cheek.

"I know but I was making sure Paul over there knows." He shot a glare at Paul.

"Baby I think he knows." I giggled.

I heard Seth start to cry so I went to grab him from his crib and brought him out to the living room.

"Here Jake hold him while I get his bottle." I handed Seth to Jake.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed Seth a bottle and then walked back out Jake looked scared holding Seth. I giggled and watched him struggle a little longer.

"Ok now you can give him back." I giggled and opened my arms.

Jake handed him back to me and I sat down. Jake pushed my legs open so he could lay in-between my legs. I fed Seth and he fell asleep. I held Seth as he slept, Jake got a little jealous because I was showing Seth my attention than I was showing him. So I laid down flat so I could put Seth on my chest so I had free hands to give Jake head scratches.

"There now no need to get jealous with a baby." I giggled.

He then got up and went to my chest and bent down so he could look at Seth.

"Listen here little man she's MY girlfriend and I don't need you stealing her from me, got it?" He was pointing at Seth even though he was fast asleep.

I was giggling trying not to wake Seth.

"Oh come on you big baby lay down and I'll give you head scratches unless you don't want them?" I giggled.

He hurried back in between my legs and waited. I was giving him head scratches and then he fell asleep. I laughed because I don't understand how he could fall asleep that fast.

"He's dreaming about you, you know?" Jared laughed.

"I know I can hear his thoughts, but I try to make a mental barrier so I don't invade his privacy." I laughed.

"Want me to tell you so I'll be the one invading his privacy?" He laughed.

"Sure." I laughed to.

"He keeps repeating that he loves you and that Yolanda was such a bitch and he doesn't like her even as a friend anymore, wait it changed now he is re-dreaming of your future on the beach." Jared smiled.

"Stop reading my thoughts before I kick in your teeth." Jake said in his sleep.

"I guess he can tell when your reading his thoughts." I laughed.

"Ok guys dinner is ready." Emily yelled from the kitchen.

"Ok you big lug move it so I can go put Seth down." I waited for Jake to move.

"Fine but I'll be the one to sleep on your chest later not that girlfriend stealing baby." He glared at Seth.

"Hey don't hate on my little man." I glared back at Jake.

"I was just playing, but I will be sleeping on your chest." He laughed.

"When do you not?" I laughed.

I took Seth back to his room and laid his down in his crib, he stayed fast asleep. I went back to the kitchen and sat down. We all ate and laughed and enjoyed ourselves.

Our pack is finally whole again.

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