
Chapter 13: Honesty

After what like felt forever I let go of Paul.

"So are you going to tell me what's happening?" I asked staring at him.

"Do you wanna go to our spot first?" He asked looking back at me.

"Sure." I said turning around.

Our spot was a cliff by the beach it wasn't the cliff we all jumped off but the one next to it. We walked there in silence. We finally got there and sat at the edge with our feet dangling off the edge.

"So?" I said looking at the beach.

"So as you know of all the legends, their true, the whole pack except Emily are wolves descended from our ancestors and now so are you." Paul said looking at me now.

"I think I got that." I said with a small giggle.

"It's pretty cool, you just have to get sued to it." He said smiling at me.

I was still looking at the beach in front of me.

"So what got you so mad you phased?" He asked scooting closer.

"Jacob." I said with no emotion.

"Wow if must be bad because you never call him by his name." He said looking at the beach to.

"Do you want me to start from the beginning?" I asked.

"That would be nice." He smiled.

"So the other night I had a dream, It was about Jake and that girl that was at Emily's the other night. The girl was playing with Jake's feelings and she did it on purpose, and she was doing it because she knew Jake would come back every time even though she knew who she wanted from the beginning. So when I saw her at Emily's I freaked out and I went to Billy's and cried because I had told him about the dream the night of the bomb fire. That night Jake and I got into a fight and he said some stuff that destroyed me. So I went home and I slipped and hit my head that's why I have this bruise, but that's not the point. So last night when you dropped me off at Billy's I was crying and Billy convinced me to talk to Jake about what happened. So I did we ended up making up and everything was fine. Then the phone rang and he went to go get it. He said that Billy asked him to go to the store and help him. So when I walked and saw Billy I knew Jake had lied to me. I didn't care who he was with but he should have told me the truth instead of lying, even if went to hang out with Yolanda. we have known each other since we were little I just don't find the need for him to lie to me. I was so upset and it was about the fact he lied to me after he told me he loved me and that I would never lose him. So that's when I got mad and I guess it was enough for me to phase." I said trying to hold tears back again.

"Oh wow that's a lot." He said blinking a couple times trying to understand it.

"I know tell me about it." I starred blankly at the beach.

Something caught my eye. It was people walking on the beach and I heard laughter so I looked closer. My vision was perfect because of my new heightened senses.

It was Jake and Yolanda.

Jake did something I never thought he would do he kissed her. Not on the cheek or head or anything. He kissed her on her lips.

I lost all emotion I didn't cry or anything I felt numb.

"What is it?" Paul asked looking at me for me to answer.

I just starred at them. then Paul saw what I saw.

He pulled backed up from the edge and grabbed my waist and pulled me into him so I was leaning on his chest sitting in-between his legs. He hugged me closely and put his head on my should and then he started rubbing my arms. I just sat there starring at them. I had no emotion I couldn't move it was like I didn't know how I felt or anything.

After a while Paul picked me up bridle style and walked me to Emily and Sam's. We got there and we walked in the house, he finally put me down. I walked to the couch and sat there just starring at the wall.

The pack just starred at me.

"Ok come on everyone out side even you Madilyn." Sam said signaling to the door.

We all stood and walked outside.

"Everyone phase." Sam said.

So we all did what he said.

"Why can't I feel what Maddie is feeling nothings there she empty." Embry asked through our mind link.

"Can anyone feel Madilyn's emotions or anything?" Sam asked.

They answered no.

"Madilyn what's going on why do you feel empty." Jared asked.

"I lost him I really lost him and without him I'm nothing." I said with no emotion at all.

"Who?" Sam asked.

"She's talking about Jacob." Paul sated.

"What do you mean she lost Jacob he isn't dead he is with Yolanda I could feel the joy he is having right now with her." Embry said.

I had no reaction to Embry's words.

"Well we have all night." Sam said.

Paul told the story as I laid on my stomach on the floor. The whole packs reaction was "Oh".

"You guys can't tell Jacob any of this, when I see him I'm going to pretend like I'm happy even though I'm completely numb to everything." I said getting off the floor.

The pack agreed and we all phased back and got dressed. We sat on the couch. I was sitting on Paul's lap just watching tv with everyone else.

Then he walked in the door.

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