
Angry Elven Mother

As Ronan continued, Ger could almost see the events from earlier playing out…

Loraven scoffed at Ronan and Axel. "Am I a child? You tell me to stay here while my daughter is out there battling for her life?" She pushed past Evanna's men. The Lyvarian Princess was already in different attire from her gown at dinner, and although she no longer had her swords, she managed to steal one from the armoury. The moment Thalinal touched her thigh and started making a pass at her, Loraven knew it wasn't her friend.

The King was deeply in love with the former Queen, and although he might have sought pleasure from others, there had never been any affection. There never would be. She could already imagine the bored expression on his features after the deed was done. No, that man at dinner was not Thalinal. After hearing Evanna's message, it was clear they needed to get rid of this Scarecrow.

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