
ch 12. key to paradise

jimin felt guilty and he couldnt look into taes nor kooks face. he stayed in the bedroom and only came down for some food, or drinks. tae had enough and just bursted into jimins room.

"stop beeing a bitch. talk to me" jimin flinshed. he bit on his lips and finally looked up. "its soooo embarrassing" "what is?" "u know...." tae sighed. "come on. we fucked before" "that was all 4 for us...i kinda cheated on yoongi!" "u did not. its not your fault, neither his. it just happened. he wasnt there, u were in pain and we helped out. he asked us to. are u scared, he will make a problem out of it?" jimin nodded. "i feel ashamed.... i shouldnt have took that stupid drug...." "i know...we all know, but u wanted to give him a great night." "yeah i wanted....shit, tae....this is huge shit!" tae grinned and both looked up, when kook came in too. "are u feeling better?" "no?" kook grinned. "if it makes u better, u almost broke us" "doesnt makes it better, it makes it even worse!" jimin complained with a very red face.

tae grinned. "about yoongi, i dont think he will be really mad" "why? what the hell did u do, tae?!" jimin sat up. "i may... sent him an appatizer?!" "huh?" "kook and i filmed our little session...or help mission...relief aid? whatever and i sent it to your love" jimin buried his face into his hands. "OH MY FUCKING FUCK, TAE!" "u sent it to him? really?" kook looked surprised. tae snickered. "babe, i heard from his men, that he was a loooong time in the toilet, after he got it" jimin looked away from his hands. "seriously? porn? he only needed porn?!" "maybe i should lend u my camera and u make some nice....hm... sexy videos of you for him....u know, to ease the draught?!" "get out of my room, u perverts!" "hey, it really helps!" tae nodded his head. "i have plenty of us and only him" "get out, please"


yoongi came home again. jimin watched him carefully, he sensed that there was something unspoken. he waited for him to get out of the shower, gulped when yoongi came, wet and only with a towel around his hips, out. jimin sat on the bed and didnt dare to look at him.

"are u mad?" jimin whispered. yoongi stood there, looked at him, with a blank stare. "i know its my fault. i ... was too invested in the baby stuff and all, i fell asleep asap and i thought, if i take the pill, we would have an amazing night.... and it all went to shit... i am so so sorry, yoongi." "u were truely on fire that night" yoongis voice came dark and low. jimin looked up. he saw a smirk. "tae and my brother had to work really hard" shame and embarrassment creept over jimins face. he tried to hide it.

"do u remember what i said to u?" "what u mean?" "that u are mine" "oh...." "u are mine and i dont want that anybody than me touches u" "oh...." "now the idiots had u twice....so to speak" "but...u hadnt had a problem, when we all 4 did it! u let tae fuck u!" jimin got angry. "i know..... i dont say that i am mad and jealous, but i dont blame u, okay?" "oh?" "u are mine and i love u. i know u wanted to give me a great night.... its kinda also my fault, if i would blame u, okay? i left u alone with...your problem" "it was really ugly! it was so strong! the last time, it wasnt like that" "yeah, we found out, that one of the chemist made a sygnificand mistake. we had some complains" "complains? really?" jimin mocked. "yeah, jimin, some of our costumers dont like overly sexhyped twinks" "seriously? i thought they would be delighted to work a hole for the whole night" yoongi chuckled. "some are a bit too old and just wanna have a boy who rode them to happyness, not to death" "wouldnt that be the best deaths of all?" jimin sighed with a huge grin. "i should let u manage the brothel and the advertising. u are good in that" jimin laughed. "so we are good?" yoongi nodded. "of course, just tell me next time" "oh, i will never take one of those pills again. my poor butt!"

yoongi smirked and hooded his eyes. "its okay now, right? your butt" jimin looked suspicious. "yeah....why?!" yoongi smirked evily.


"we really should soundproof the rooms" kook dryly said and stared up the ceiling. tae layed on his chest and nodded. "why arent they exhausted by now? the amount is unhealthy!" kook looked down at him. "unhealthy? really?" "for them! yoongi is old, he could get a heart attack" kook bursted out in laughter. "please, dont ever tell him that!" "just saying" "u know.... i have the key" "which key" "yoongis sexroom key" "oooohhh" "wanna try out?" tae didnt respond, just jumped out of the bed. "lets go! i cant stand hearing them moaning around for another hour"


the four of them sat on the table. two looked very tired and worn out, the other two were more cheery. "is my coffee so bad?" kook asked. "what?" yoongi could barley held his head up. "do u want more coffee?" "just give me the whole maschine" tae chuckled. "do u still have a voice, jiminie?" he grinned at him and only got a tired glare back. "we were a bit loud, werent we?" "just a bit" "sorry, not sorry" yoongi mumbled and yawned. jimin was just staring blankly into nothing. "u should put him back to bed" yoongi nudged his love. jimin turned his head a bit to him. "go, get some sleep" "hm" jimin stood up and limped back upstairs. "whats with u? u look like shit, even tho u finally got your fuck" "i ll nap on my couch.... cant sleep next to him right now" "what? are u still blameing him?!" tae was shocked. "no, u idiot! i cant keep my hands to myself, when he is next to me and we both need some sleep" yoongi growled. "oh...sorry.... i thought.... thats great" "why the hell arent u already on your honeymoon?" tae and kook looked at each other. "we kinda forgot to go... and the twins will be here soon, so..." "u should go at least for a week, before they are here" "good idea brother" u are so annoying, i really need a break from u both" "how nice. isnt he lovely" tae looked at kook. "but he is right, with the honeymoon. lets pack some things. dad has a nice cabin on the lake" "great! bye grumpy grandpa" tae was running, yoongis coffee cup was flying behind him.

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