

Right now our protagonist can be seen bowing in front of a blushing Hinata.

"I'm sorry Hinata, it won't happen again!"I declared quickly.

"It's ok, you would've seen my body sooner or later, but if you wanted to you should've just said so."She said shyly.

"No, it was my mistake, and we're too young for that."I said quickly, since she does have a nice, developing body, but it's bad enough we're dating I don't want to seem to much of a lolicon than I am already.

"Umu, anyway, why did you come over?"She said, changing the topic quickly which I appreciate.

"What? I can't come over to see my cute girlfriend?"I said jokingly, which she didn't seem to catch onto.

"No, it's not that. it's ju--"

'Calm down Hinata, I was just joking, stop overthinking everything."I said while hugging her cutting her off from completely overthinking.

"Umu."She responded with a nod which I found cute.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?"I said while kissing the top of her head which resulted in her smiling at me.

"Sure!"She said while I smiled back.

"Alright, come on!"I said and broke the hug but let one of hands fall to hers before grabbing them and leading her out the compound and Hyuga district. We then start walking around the shopping district which resulted in my wallet taking a dent from all the things Hinata wanted to buy, but who cares? as long as she's happy in the end. Luckily or maybe unluckily, people heard of our relationship so they started treating us a lot better than other customers, but they also held the stuff we bought so it wouldn't hinder our date.

While walking around though, I notice a cinnamon roll store which made me remember that it's one of Hinata's favorite foods.

"Hey Hinata, this way."I said and guided her over to the store, looking to where I was guiding her, her face brightened up with a smile. Going in the store, I hear a bell ring announcing our arrival, behind the counter I noticed an old couple.

"Welcome."They said and gave that old person smile that just no one other than old people could do.

"Hi! I was wondering if we can get a dozen Cinnamon rolls."I said with a smile of my own.

"Of course you can."The old lady said before crouching behind the counter and grabbing from the display.

"So you're the newest gossip of Konoha? Oh, how it is to be young again."The old man said with a reminiscent smile.

"Yeah, though it can get a bit annoying hearing everyone talking about us wherever we go."I said with a bit of an awkward smile while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Hahaha! I bet it must be!"The old man said with a laugh. The old lady then stood up with a box in hand.

"Stop bothering them."She said while smacking her husbands arm.

"Sorry if he bothered you."She said turning to us.

"No bother at all ma'am."Hinata said respectfully.

"Yeah, it's fine really."I said and then payed for the Cinnamon rolls before grabbing them from the counter.

"*sigh*Well, I hope you guys have a nice day."She said.

"Thank you for your Patronage. Hope you come again."The old couple said while bowing while me and Hinata bowed back before leaving.

"They were nice."I said to Hinata.

"Yeah"She said, though a bit absent-mindedly while eyeing the box making me chuckle, noticing her mistake she blushed a bit.

"Here."I said and handed her a Cinnamon roll from the box which she grabbed though a bit shyly.

"Thank you."She said and I just smiled in response. With our Cinnamon rolls we went to the Oasis and relaxed and messed around there until the sun started to set where we went and grabbed the things we bought before I dropped her off at her compound.

"Ryu, thank you for today."She said while hugging me which I reciprocated.

"You don't need to thank me, anything for you."I said and kissed her while she blushed a bit.

"Goodbye, Ryu."She said and broke the hug.

"Bye."I said with a smile and wave watching her go in the compound. After seeing her go inside I walked back home, going inside I see Naruto and Sasuke who get a sly smirk seeing me.

"Ryu and Hinata sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.~"They said in a sing song voice together.

"First comes loves.~"Naruto said

"Then comes Marriage.~"Sasuke proceeded.

"Then comes the baby in the baby carriage.~"They finished in a grandiose way, missing a certain gleam in my eyes.

Not hearing his response they look over to him, but wish they didn't because they swear they saw the devil in his eyes.

"AHH!"Screams of horror and pain could be heard that night, making people think someone was doing something horrible so some young girls. Gathering together people tried to find the girls but couldn't in the end, not figuring out it was two 10 year old boys who were the victims screaming.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Anime_Freaccreators' thoughts
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