
Chapter 8:Return and Explanation

Vegito then brought everyone to his city and only left Cynthia, Serena and Misty.

"Alright, lets go. Don't wory about them they're protected" Vegito said with a smile as he opened a portal, he left the pokemon hell hole and Misty, Cythia and Serena who were stunned and confused just followed.


Back at the base...

Nana Shimura POV:

It was another day working for Master Vegito when she noticed the portal opening up,their walked 3 beautiful women wearing strange clothing, and Vegito. He told her that he would leave in a bit and he's sorry about this, he also told her to explain where they are to the girls. Then he left.

Nana shook her head as she walked towards the 3 girls.

"Hello my name is Nana Shimura. Vegito asked me to explain a few things to you, One. We are in a different world far away from your world, were underground and we have food, games and everything that you need here. You can see various Vegito clones walking around they're either creating something or their training. Their are training facilities around the base so you can check those out" Nana explained.

"Question" Historia said while blushing.

"Yes?" Nana said as she sat down on the bed in the guest room.

"W-why are you wearing that outfit?" She asked"In front of them" She pointed at the Vegitos.

"Don't worry those clones dont experience Vegitos lust, they only experince the desire to grow stronger and protecing the base, any other question?" Nana asked.

"Yes, do we have to wear that outfit?" Mikasa asked with a poker face.

"If Vegito saved you and he already told you about what he will do then likely, like me. You'll have to wear the outfit" Nana said as if that was the most nomal thing in the world.

"I see..." Mikasa said with a sigh as she crossed her arms.

"Mhm, I suppose we did get saved and he is saving our world this is the least we can do for him" Annie said as she looked around the room.

" Oh right let me explain a few more things in dept. First..." And so she explained what a few of the eletronics worked, and the food and everything else in the base. She also talked about the clones and how they interact with them.

Soon they got used to the base as thy adapted pretty fast. In the training facility, Nana was fighting Mikasa.

"One for all, 10%" Nana muttered as she lunged forward, even if she was in a maid outfit it didn't matter, she grabbed Mikasa and launched her to the ground.


A Vegito who was nearby walked towards Mikasa, and with green glowing hands he healed her.

"Thank you healer Vegito" Nana said with a sheepish smile.

"No problem. The Orginal wouldn't want his women to be injured" Clone Vegito said as he walked back, he continued to heal the Vegitos that got injured while training his own spell.

"Now, this is why I'm the Main Girl in this harem" Nana said with a smug smile but blushed after. Although she didn't interact with Vegito for long, she was attracted to him. By, the warmth he gave her, the protection the feeling that he could carry the sky on his shoulders if needed. She felt her longing him, even when he left to collect more women. She wanted him to herself and not to be shared...but she calmed down after talking to a Vegito specialized in Therapy. She got hee sessions and finally realised that their was no stopping him, she just had to train to beat up anyone that wanted her spot. Like Mikasa.

"Fine" Mikasa said, Mikasa felt indebted and felt herself far better then when she was with Eren who was a bit annoying and did everything in an idiotic way. She just stood up and walked away to further her training to hope that one day she could show Vegito just how much what he's doing means to her.

Annie and Historia had similar thoughts as they trained.


Other POV:

"It seems that the God sucessor was found" A voice was heard as a man knelt down infront of him. The man nodded his head causing the voice to sigh.

"I can't stop him because of God's Law and Rules he placed before dying. But you, my champion can do this" The man said with a chuckle.

The man infront of the voice held the Batman costume. The man smiled under his mask as he stood up and walked away. His name was Barn, and he was Bruce Wayne. He died a long time ago, back when he was named Barn. He reincarnated into a seperated time line where he was the Batman. He had a system that helped him out and he gained strenght to rival Superman, the ability to fly and many other power's.

Batman opened a device and entered, soon he arrived back home where he sat down, alone. Alfred died a few year's ago, the main Super villains were trapped under his base, under constant surveillance. Superman was also detained as well as Diana and the Gods were pushed back away from the Earth.

Green lantern attempted to stop him but he and his corps are now no where near his universe.

"This is the life" Batman said with a smile as he walked around the bat cave, he cucked Dick his former robin who goes by the name of Night Wing now. Bat Girl was expecting to give birth in a few days, Bruce has had everything he ever wanted. A beautiful and loyal wife, money, power and different types of women in his bed every day.

He couldn't be happier, yet now the God who helped him had a quest, to defeat the champion of the former God.

'Tsk, how will I defeat someone who is being trained by your former master?!' Batman thought as he began research for a stronger and better suit. He also began to design new weapons to fight off stronger beings, he grabbed a bit of kryptonite, and other necessary weapons.

"I suppose its time I fight someone with actual skills" He thought as he laid down on his bed letting his A.I do everything for him.


After explaining everything to the 3 girls, Serena, Misty and Cynthia he soon left the room to let the girls calm down. He walked towards the training room and found Annie and Historia.

"Thats hot" Vegito said with a smile as he leaned against the wall, watching the 2 sexy girls fight.

Historia blushed while Annie ignored it yet a small faint blush could be seen. She punched Historia faster and harder as she wanted to relieve her frustrations and embarrassment.

Yes this may be forced but I wanted a villain that even though he isn't as strong will try and find a way to defeat our OP MC

Anyways, anyone wanna create an OC Villain for the story? Just list the name and superpower as well as the reason why they're a villain so we can dump them in the Universe. If they're good they'll be around 3 chaps of work if not only 1 or 2

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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Also this gives me a good resson to go to the marvel/dc Universe

Kuro_Simpcreators' thoughts
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