
About Panda

species: mutant cat

Specialty: Mutant powers unknown.

age: 2 years

sex: male

size: medium cat

Physical size: extremely sedentary

weight: a little more than it should.

personality: lazy, fearful, more unrecognized traits.

Appearance: Short fur with panda pattern spots.

Favorite food: anything.

Hobby: sleeping on the shoulders of your favorite people.

Favorite person: Maria Stark junior.

requires: That his nails be trimmed because he prefers not to sharpen them himself. Clean places to do his necessities. Food and fresh water. Warm places to curl up and sleep. Have teeth cleaned every week. Have fur brushed every day. Have his ears, paws and muzzle cleaned periodically. Be entertained differently every 30 minutes. Sleeping 18 hours a day and not being woken up in the middle of naps.

Consequence of not meeting all requirements: A very crazy cat, advised to be an iron robot that does not feel pain in case of accidents when handling the cat.

Anything else you guys want to know?

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