
Chapter 137

If you want to read up to 20 chaps ahead or read other novels on the work go and check https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer



After a long weekend of movies with Hestia, I decided to see how my camp was doing, finding out that Annabeth was missing? Needless to say, I decided it was upon myself to find her, not necessarily to bring her back, but to find out why she had left.

With a smile I searched the earth for her with my Magic, finding she was for some reason in the desert, but something was off, her energy was… different, almost as if someone was trying to mimic her mana signature, odd … very odd, there was no doubt this was a trap, one that I would take nonetheless, taking a deep breath gathering my mental fortitude for whatever was to come I teleported to where I had felt her .

The desert was empty, except for the motionless body of Annabeth on the ground. For a moment I reeled back in horror, but forced myself to remember how the mana signature felt off, and with that thought in mind I scanned the body, a fake, a very good one, but a fake nonetheless.

Now the question was… who was behind all this? As I pondered over this problematic situation, I felt something approaching my location dangerously fast, with my mana sense I was able to see it was a massive ball of flames and molten core that had both magical and physical attributes beyond anything I had seen, it was the perfect balance between the two.

Using my powers, I created a dimensional hole to transport the attack to outer space, I could've teleported out of the way, but this way I was sending a message to my attacker, that I had more than one trick up my sleeve.

"It's nice to finally have time to ourselves. Don't you think?" A man with four arms and five golden eyes appeared, his entire demeanor shouting one thing, confidence.

"I have no idea who you are nor what you want from me," I sighed, "And to be honest, I really don't care," at that I shot a pure mana blast at the man, because I simply had no intentions of fighting anyone right now, so with that in mind I decided to obliterate him, besides considering his power was below even the likes of Priapus, I doubted he was the one behind the Annebeth thing, this was destined to be easy, but instead of running like he should've… or begging for his life, the man simply smiled and proceeded to block my attack with the palm of one of his four hands absorbing the power that came with it.

"That's rude… do you have any idea how long I've waited for you to be away from them?" The mysterious creature looked at me and chuckled, all while I was still processing how he did what he did, if I had to take a guess his powers… operated similarly to my weapon, but that was all I had in the lines of theories.

"Alright, I'll take the bait, who are you, and what have you done with Annabeth," I asked, realizing two things, one… whoever this man was, he had the power to hide his true power better than anyone I have met so far, and two… he was clearly more than he wanted others to believe, that confidence… is not the confidence of a minor God.

"My name is Shiva," The Strange God bowed, "I the Hindu God of Creation, and Destruction… also known by many as the King of the Hindu Pantheon,"

I eyed the god for a moment, before speaking again, "That didn't answer my question, what have you done with Annabeth, and what do you want from me?"

"Oh, the girl… I dunno, I just created a copy of her to lure you here, like I was told to, and what I want from you… well, I want to kill you," Shiva smiled, four of his five eyes opening with excitement.

I can't have one Monday where someone doesn't want to kill me, "Who told you… to lure me here?" I asked, rubbing my temples.

"If you survive… I'll tell ya," Shiva smirked, "Now… let's bring forth the beginning of all creation and destruction!"

"Oh, we.. saying catch phrases now… ok, I can do it… here I go! ~let's bring forth poorly thinked magic tricks for kids… and animal balloons that all look like a snake~" I chuckled.

"Oh, I get it, birthday magician for kids… good one," Shiva laughed.

As Shiva laughed with excitement, I couldn't help but wonder… who had sent him for me, and most importantly, who had the pull to convince one of the Pantheon Kings to hunt me down, "Before we… start this, why are you doing this?.... I mean... I don't recall doing anything to you or your pantheon,"

"Nothing really kid, but after I heard… Thor, Odin and Sun Wukong himself had trained you… I decided to accept the proposal I was given to off you off the board, nothing personal… I just want a good fight," Shiva replied.

Alright, time to retract my last statement… considering all this God wants is a good fight, and that he agreed to hunt me upon realizing who my teachers were… literally anyone could've convinced him to do this, like even little Timmy, his involvement literally needs no pull, whatsoever.

"Fair enough," I sighed.

"So are you ready?!" Shiva asked, flames bursting around him as the earth around his broke on the wake of his immense power.

"Not quite, I still have to find Annabeth, so… rain check for this fight… you cool with that?" I offered.

"Hmmmm, sure why not…" Shiva shrugged, "You see like a guy I can trust, so… same place next week?"

"Next month, I mean… if I lose and die… I have to work the logistics of that, like who to leave in charge, get a sitter for the kids… and stuff," and by that I actually meant Asking Odin everything he knew about Shiva, I was eager to fight, but not to die because I went into a fight blind, I ain't Toph.

"Oh, of course… don't even tell me about it… logistics are the worst… which reminds me… I have a party that day… how about the third Friday of next month? Sounds fair?" Shiva offered pulling out a calendar out of thin air, "Yep, I am definitely free to die or kill someone that day,"

I snorted at that, "Well, then it's a date, scratch that… sounds weird, but yeah we'll see each other then,"

"See ya then," Shiva nodded, and teleported out of the desert, what a nice guy, maybe we can drink a beer after all of this is over… wait can Hindu Gods consume alcohol… will have to research that.

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