
CHAPTER - 35 { Victory }

Hitmonlee and Snorlax were about fifty meters away from each other.

"Snorlax! Hyper Beam!, " Haru ordered Snorlax to start the match with a Hyper Beam.


Opening his mouth, Snorlax formed an energy ball in front of his mouth.

"Dodge it!, " Said Kota, Hitmonlee nodded his head and went towards the side.


The Hyper Beam hit on empty ground and blasted off dust and small rocks.

"Close Combat, " Commanded Kota as he looked at Haru and his Snorlax.


Hitmonlee sprinted towards Snorlax but the latter didn't stay ideal.

"Snorlax, Defense Curl!, " Haru' voice rang in the battleground, and Snorlax immediately curled up.


Kicking and Punching, Hitmonlee rained blows on Snorlax only to find that the attacks were not very useful.

"Retreat!, " Kota waved his hands at Hitmonlee, while his eyes focused on Snorlax.

"Snorlax, Thunder!, " Haru smiled at Kota. Snorlax got up and shook his body.

A burst of electrons came from Snorlax that headed towards the direction of Hitmonlee.


Rolling backwards, Hitmonlee avoided being paralyzed from the electricity.

As for getting knocked out directly? That was something both Kota and Hitmonlee didn't expect.

"Hitmonlee, Double Kick!, " Kota shouted, Hitmonlee lowered himself and ran towards Snorlax.

"Snorlax, Ice Punch!, " From the other side, Haru' voice ran in Snorlax' ears.


With the fist that was coated by a layer of ice, Snorlax punched down at Hitmonlee.


The punch fell on the solid ground and made a deep crater with ice on it.

Hitmonlee jumped on top of Snorlax' hand and dodged the Ice Punch successfully.


With two very strong kicks on the face, Hitmonlee pushed Snorlax meters away.

"Snorlax, get up!, " Shouted Haru, but Hitmonlee didn't give Snorlax much time.

Rushing at the fallen Snorlax, Hitmonlee leaped up in the air and kicked downwards with the back of his foot.

Red flames formed on Hitmonlee' foot, which landed on Snorlax' stomach.

Blaze Kick!

'Why is Hitmonlee attacking when Kota didn't even order him to?, ' Thought Haru, it was not just this time that this question came in his mind.

Even before, when they fought. Kota's Scizor attacked without any orders.

"Hitmonlee, Focus Energy!, " Kota said while showing a faint smile on his lips.


Joining his palms together, Hitmonlee stood on one foot and closed his eyes.

"Snorlax, hurry! Get up!, " Haru urged Snorlax to get up before Hitmonlee could finish his move.


Shaking his head, Snorlax slowly got up but was late as Hitmonlee had finished Focus Energy.

"High Jump Kick!, " With Kota' voice sounding in the gym, Hitmonlee opened his eyes.


Gripping the ground with his feets, Hitmonlee jumped up in the air.

"If it comes to this! Snorlax, Giga Impact!, " Shouted Haru, he was looking forward to the head on clash of Snorlax and Hitmonlee.

Coming down towards Snorlax, Hitmonlee swung his body to get more velocity in his kick.

On the other hand, Snorlax clenched his fists and his eyes narrowed at Hitmonlee.

Both of them were only a few meters apart. Kota and Haru were both anticipating victory.


The wind pushed everyone back, the dust blinding their eyes to see the result.

Kota held his face and turned the other side to avoid being hurt on his eyes as small rocks flew by.

When the dust cleared, Kota saw that both Hitmonlee and Snorlax were standing.

"Is it not over yet?, " Muttered Kota, when suddenly Hitmonlee fell to his knees.

Seeing this, Kota was about to go into despair. On the other hand, Haru was a little better than Kota.

"Looks like I won again, " Said Haru. He pulled his pokeball and was ready to call Snorlax back.

But Snorlax directly fell on the ground and created tremors. Hitmonlee, still on his knees, looked towards Haru.


Haru was stunned on the spot, his body completely frozen in time.

"Snorlax?, " Haru stared at Hitmonlee then on Snorlax. The winner was clearly visible.

"I won, " Kota' voice brought Haru back to reality. A bitter smile appeared on Haru' face.

"You were strong, " Calling back Snorlax in his pokeball, Haru spoke to Kota and Hitmonlee.

"Here, this is the proof that you have won over this gym, " Haru handed a gym badge to Kota that looked nothing special.

It was circle in shape with a capital 'N' in the middle coloured in brown.

"Thanks, and you are the strongest opponent that I have ever faced till now, " Kota said truthfully to Haru while smiling and taking the gym badge.

* * *


Kota sat on a corner table, beside him was Hitmonlee.

They were celebrating their toughest gym battle. Kota let Hitmonlee eat anything he wanted.

"Today's victory is on you, " Smiling, Kota lifted a glass of water and tossed it with Hitmonlee.


Hitmonlee had a glass of juice, both of them enjoyed the entire evening.

As there was still time for the movie shoot, Kota planned to train his pokemons in the forest.

Currently, his strongest pokemon is Charizard backed by Gyarados.

And his weakest pokemon is Gengar just below Shiny Onix in the line.

The whole week, Kota made Gengar workout. His aim was to increase Gengar' energy.

Onix was already at the limit now. Unless Kota finds a Metal Coat and evolves Onix into a Steelix, training is just futile.

Charizard still did strength training to increase his raw muscle power.

Gyarados was slowly turning into a living energy cannon. Each Hyper Beam from him was enough to destroy a building.

Scizor can now run on water surfaces without the help of his wings and not splashing water.

Sometimes, afterimages were created by Scizor because of extreme speed.

Kota successfully evolved Nidorino into a Nidoking with the Moon Stone.

His six pokemon team was almost completed, it's just that Onix was not needed.

The last pokemon in the team that Kota wanted to include is… Aerodactyl.

And Kota knows the exact location where he can find one which is alive.

Grampa Canyon, an area where Ash and his friends met with the prehistoric pokemons.

But that is not for now to visit, because Kota has a much more important work.

To play a movie role…

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