
232. Forcing A Limit

Jon continue his fight with Katakuri & Smoothie. They keep trying to force him receiving their attacks. Jon can't dodge because if he dodge, the attacks will go to his friends. They're occupied with their fight, so they won't be able to dodge in time.

'It seem i need to take this battle elsewhere on an empty place.'-Jon

Jon make 2 wood clones and they immediately teleport away. Jon keep his enemies occupied while his clones will grab them from behind. Of course it won't be easy with Katakuri's future sight, but it's not impossible.

Jon's clones move behind Katakuri & Smoothie stealthily. The one who move first is the one behind Smoothie. Smoothie didn't realize it and get her shoulder grabbed by the clone and get a teleportation mark placed there.


Katakuri however, have saw that event and thrust his trident toward the clone behind Smoothie. However, that's his mistake, because he only saw the future where the clone grab Smoothie. If he wait, he will see the future where a clone grab his shoulder too, like now.


"Let's fight somewhere else!"-Jon's clone said while putting a mark on Katakuri's shoulder

Jon & his clones teleport while carrying Katakuri & Smoothie. They appear on the coast where Sunny was located before. Jon have marked this place after all, and it's rather far from the main battlefield.

"Now, you won't be able to use my friends to your advantage."-Jon smirk

"Tsk, this will be troublesome."-Smoothie

"Smoothie, let's use the Plan-C!"-Katakuri


Katakuri turn the surrounding ground into mochi, and make the same mochi donuts. He make a lot more donuts than before and use them to surround Jon like a dome. Fists coated in armament formed on each donuts and they start to attack Jon.

Jon use his eyes to the max and dodge all the attacks. Jon's movement is very fast and fluid when he dodge. He know he can just get away, but that won't do. He want to awaken future sight too, and who's better opponent than Katakuri that can stimulate it?

Smoothie suddenly move inside the barrage and attack Jon in close range. She didn't get hit at all even though she doesn't dodge anything. Katakuri is the one who control his attacks to not hit his sister. His observation haki seem to grow a bit stronger since his battle with Luffy.

'He must've trained hard after his loss, but so do us.'-Jon

Jon dodge Katakuri's attack while blocking Smoothie's sword attacks too. He's really concentrated & focus now. Jon's mind is 100% focus on dodging & blocking everything with little energy.

The barrage of attacks keep going, and Jon get hit many times. Katakuri's future sight really troubled Jon as his movements are predicted. Jon immediately get up to dodge & block their attacks again. Jon didn't strike back at all even when he got hit by their attacks and just focus on dodging or blocking.

Jon protect his body with haki everytime he can't dodge or block. Even so, he got injured rather badly because he got hit too many times. Katakuri frown when he see Jon who defeat Kaido, Ryokugyu and destroy the WG got pumelled like this.

'What happened here? Why did he just dodge and block? He doesn't even use his abilities to fight back. Is he holding back? What's his purpose?'-Katakuri

Katakuri think of the reason Jon didn't use his abilities, and fight back. But Katakuri know that it's his chance to defeat Jon. If Jon didn't fight back, then it's Jon's own fault if he lose.

'Am i really just this much without my jutsu? If i don't have these eyes, i will be dead by now. This is not enough, i don't want to be a man that can't do anything without his supranatural power. I will still be so strong even without my chakra. THIS IS NOT ENOUGH!'-Jon grit his teeth

Suddenly, Jon see a barrage of attacks that haven't happen, and see himself got hit after he dodge a few times.

'This- What's this? Is this-?'-Jon widen his eyes

Jon try to move according to the attacks that he saw. All that attacks come just like his previous sight. Then Jon dodge the attack that supposedly hit him.

'Is this the future sight that Luffy has?'-Jon get excited

Jon is excited, but he's still not sure, so he need to try it again. Jon try to repeat what he did earlier and feel the intent of his enemies. Then he see it again and move accordingly. He succeed, he finally learn the future sight. Jon grin excitedly, and Katakuri have a realization.

"You- You use our attacks to raise your observation haki and gain the future sight?"-Katakuri have a grim expression

"What?!"-Smoothie stunned

"You've helped Luffy before, so i also want you to help me get the future sight. Thanks to you guys, i get a glimpse of it."-Jon

Katakuri and Smoothie have grim expression. They know Jon is an Emperor level fighter, and they're just Commanders of Emperor. However, an Emperor will still need to be serious to fight both of them. But Jon just blatantly mocking them by using them as training partners.

"Alright, let's continue!"-Jon grin


"Calm down, Smoothie! Gaining future sight didn't instantly make him invincible. We just need to be more careful."-Katakuri


The three of them got ready to fight again. Jon is still full of injuries, he didn't heal his body just now, because he want to surpass his limit. Jon always like to grow stronger, and surpassing limit is the best way to grow stronger. That's why he put a limit on himself by not using any jutsu.

Jon cover his sword with armament, then rush at Katakuri and Smoothie with his swords at hands. Jon will still fight just with his physical power, & haki with his taijutsu & kenjutsu. Jon even deactivate his rinnegan now and will fully utilize his observation haki.

Jon swing his sword at Smoothie, but Katakuri block with his trident. Smoothie thrust her sword at Jon and he slide to the left. Katakuri send a kick to Jon's body, and Jon block it with his right leg.

Then Jon send a flying attack at Katakuri in a very close distance. Katakuri immediately turn the part where he'll get cut into mochi and avoid wound. Smoothie try to stab Jon from behind, but Jon duck and send a back kick Rankyaku at her.

Smoothie cover her stomach with haki and got pushed back a little. She's surprised to see Jon use Rankyaku, because she never know it. Well, Jon didn't use Rokushiki that often, so people might not know it.

Jon is about to get up after he duck from Smoothie's attack, but suddenly he use soru to get away from his place. The ground suddenly turn into mochi and he almost get grabbed by some mochi tendrils.

Katakuri try to capture Jon when he just about to get up. Too bad Jon saw the future glimpse and avoid it at the right time. Smoothie then send a pressurized water blast at Jon, make him jump & dodge to the right, so Katakuri also jump there.

Katakuri send a big punch like Luffy's elephant gun at Jon. Jon haven't even touch the ground when Katakuri send the punch. Katakuri is one step ahead of him, but it doesn't mean he's done.

Jon kick the air to use geppo and jump to the side faster. It make him avoid Katakuri's punch, but he slide on the ground now. Jon backflipped and stand on his feets again.

Jon have just stand when Katakuri suddenly appear in front of him and thrust his trident. Jon didn't dodge and prepare a sword attack to counter it. Jon swing his sword at the trident attack, and his sword attack used haki projection.


Their attack clash, and their weapon didn't meet. Katakuri also use haki projection, and it have conqueror haki too. Their clash make a big impact & shockwave. The ground around them also break apart, and Smoothie try to hold herself on the ground.

"Katakuri nii-san have grow a lot stronger since his defeat from Straw Hat. That should be enough to defeat that guy, right?"-Smoothie

Smoothie believe in her brother's strength, but she can't help but doubt that they will win. Jon haven't use his jutsu since he teleported them here. Even so, they can't defeat him when they're practically fighting him together.

The clash between Jon & Katakuri stop and both of them flung back by the impact. Jon's hand tremble a little because of the clash, and so is Katakuri. They stay like that for a moment and take a rest first. Smoothie also just stand beside her brother to take a breath.

'Heh, chakra really enhance my power that much, huh? Especially Kurama's chakra that boost my power a lot. Without chakra, i'm just a Yonkou Commander level, but with chakra, i can defeat Kaido and have my feat on the world war.'-Jon snicker on himself

Jon know that chakra enhance his power, he just didn't know how much. He never test it completely, so he didn't know. Now he finally find it out and at least he's glad that he is a strong Commander level without chakra. If he's lower than Commander without chakra, then he feel his hard physical trainings so far are useless.

Jon then get ready again, Katakuri & Smoothie also get ready. They rush at each other like before and start to fight in close distance. Jon got attacked from 2 sides, but he can keep up using his speed & agility.

Jon didn't block most of the time and prefer dodging & redirecting to save his energy. He even redirect enemy's attack to attack another enemy. This is Jon's fighting style that he trained a lot, and he still can do it even without sharingan or rinnegan.

~9 hours later, afternoon~

While Jon is fighting 2 Sweet Commanders, the other Straw Hats also fight the Charlottes. They all have tough battles, especially because of their hunger. Their energy is at the rock bottom after fighting for this long.

They all try to save energy at first, but it's impossible to do with strong opponents like these. So they start to use everything they have even if it make them spend all of their energy.

They've battling for hours, and it's already a miracle for them to last this long. The credit for this is on the Giants. When they saw the Straw Hats struggling, they immediately helped them and give them time to rest and recover their energy.

However, that also make the Giants need to fight all Big Mom pirates by themselves, including Big Mom herself that would tire them out. That's why the Straw Hats & Giants switched every once in a while to recover themselves. That way, they could last longer while not giving enemies time to rest.

Big Mom pirates couldn't intervere with the ones who recover because they recover in the village. This was possible because of Jon's clones' help. The clones teleported the ones who need to recover to the village. For chakra, the clones just gather nature energy.

Chopper & Gerd also play big part in this strategy. They're doctors, and they can help the troops recover faster. Even though they all couldn't eat to gain stamina, but with their injuries treated, and time to rest, they could recover some stamina.

However, despite all of these efforts, the Straw Hats & Giants will eventually run out of stamina completely. Their injury also keep adding up despite doctors' treatment. Not everyone can heal injuries in a short time like Jon.

"Damn, we will run out of stamina soon if this keep going."-Sanji

"Stop whining and just do it! The problem won't reduce even if you complain."-Zoro

"Tsk, i know."-Sanji


Suddenly, a loud crashing sound is heard. Everyone look at it and see Luffy is pinned by Big Mom's cloud on the ground after Big Mom punch him, only his head is outside now.

"Mamma~mamma~. Die, Straw Hat!"-Big Mom swing her sword to Luffy's neck

""LUFFY!""-Straw Hats

The Straw Hats move to save Luffy, but they won't reach him in time. Big Mom swing Napoleon down at Luffy, but suddenly a pair of sword block Napoleon.

"Phew, i make it in time."-Jon suddenly appear

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