
16. Rebels


Vivi cry hearing this, she keep risking her life to save her country. She's ready to die but she don't want anyone to die. She's a princess but she do all of this dangerous job. Jon make sure he will punch the King's face when he meet him. How can he as a King and more importanly as a father let her daughter risk her life like this. Didn't he has someone competent among subordinate?

"So, what will we do next?"-Zoro

"Jon, where's Crocodile?"-Luffy

"Rainbase, i have the map."-Jon give the map to Nami.

"Then let's go there! Vivi, you can go to rebel army, i will kick Crocodile's ass."-Luffy

"I will go with Vivi, she can't go alone. I'll leave one clone with you guys, just tell him if you need something and he will transfer it to me."-Jon



Mission issued!

Saved Alabasta! Part 1!

Your Captain has give you an order. Help Vivi in stopping the rebellion.


1. Tell the truth to them

2. Stop the rebels intention to start civil war

3. Discover the spies in rebel army

Reward: 500SP, Icha-Icha Tactics Vol.1

Penalty: Vivi crying]

'Eh, there's a mission. Is it because of Luffy's order, so the system deemed that as mission? Maybe it is, whatever, i can get lots of SP, so who cares about reason. But Icha-Icha? Why's system give me an ero novel? And the penalty is...Sigh...well, it's good that it's not a death penalty.'-Jon

"Then we will part here Luffy."-Ace

"Where'd you want to go Ace?"-Luffy

"I need to find someone and catch him. He was from our crew, but has done the most unforgiveable sin, he killed his friend. His name is Teach, or now he called Blackbeard."-Ace said angrily, and everyone surprised hearing this.

"Isn't he the one that attacked Drum Kingdom?"-Vivi

"Why'd he do that? He must've know that he'll be hunted by a Yonkou if he do that."-Zoro

"He do it for a devil fruit, just for a devil fruit he killed Thatch."-Ace

"Then that devil fruit must be very powerful or very rare to make him has a courage to betray one of the strongest force in the world. Are you sure you want to catch him by yourself? He must have confidence to protect himself when he decided to betray the crew. Not to mention he has crew now."-Jon

"Of course."-Ace

The crew don't say anything because Ace is stronger than any of them, so they just ask him to be carefull. Then Jon & Vivi go to Katorea and the crew go to Rainbase. Their ship is already sailing on the sea, so Jon carry Vivi and run on water. The crew sail trough Sandora River first before walking to reach Rainbase faster.

On their way to Katorea, they found a broken shack, so Jon decide to change his clothes. He change to anbu uniform with long sleeved to avoid sunburn, and a pair of closed shoes so sand won't come in. But he used ichigo's hollow mask instead of animal mask that he carved himself because it's really badass. Now he look more like a ninja because usually he just use short pants with loose shirt and slippers.

"Why'd you change your clothes?"-Vivi

"Do you want me to wear a short shirt and pant in a desert?"-Jon

"Ah, no, i forgot about that hehe."-Vivi

"You still want to wear that dancer clothes Vivi?"-Jon

"Ah, i forgot about it too."-Vivi

Then she wear a desert long loose clothes and head cover. After that they continue to walk to Katorea. Jon take out one of his notebook and read it. He make a note about all knowledge in his past life including anime, manga, novel, and other literature. He know that he will eventually forgot those things so he note everything he remember. It's also his main entertainment when he trained in forest. The one that he read right now is his most favourite, it's a book about some anime characters famous line or quotes that he know. He read this book every once in a while because he want to prepare himself when he encounter a situation where he can use those line.

'Kuuh, just imagining saying those line make my blood boil, MOETE KITAZO!! (Natsu-Fairy Tail) kidding'-Jon thought while giggling perversely.

"What is it Jon?"-Vivi heard Jon giggling and ask.

"N-nothing Vivi, do you want to read a book? I have a good book for girl."-Jon

"Maybe later, we've almost arrive, look that's Katorea."-Vivi

Jon look to the town from afar, it looks like normal middle east town. But Jon also saw a lot of tents there, that must be rebels camp. Jon & Vivi finally arrived at city gates but stopped by guards. Jon ask Vivi to cover her face first, there're lots of Crocodile's men here.

"Who're you? What business do you have here?"-Guard A

"We want to meet Koza, there's something we want to discuss."-Vivi

"Why'd you want to meet Koza? State your business or i'll shoot you."-Guard B

When he said that, all the guards point their guns and saber at Jon & Vivi. Jon move quickly, he flickered and disarm all the guards. Then he point two guns at them, then shoot at the gruond near them, making them fall on the ground and shaking.

"How dare you point your weapons at us, we talk to you just to show our sincerity. You think i can't slip past you and just meet Kohza? Now bring us to Koza, or i'll shoot you"-Jon

Jon said that while activating his sharingan, making the guards more frightened than they already had. He's upset because they just point their weapons after just one sentence, he forgot that they wear mask so they look suspicious. Also, Jon don't want to waste time here, he need to go to Rainbase and help the crew, who knows how strong Crocodile's crew is. The frightened guard hurriedly guide them to the center of the camp. They go to the biggest camp and they saw some people talking and there's a man that sit on a crate, that's Koza, the leader of rebels.

"Leader, there's someone that want to meet you."-Guard A

"Hmm, who is it? We're discussing something important here."-Koza

"We have something more important to say."-Jon

Jon & Vivi suddenly walk near them and the rebels pointing their weapons, again. Just when Jon about to discipline them again, Koza told them to stop their action.

"What's that important thing you want to say?"-Koza

"We can't talk here, there're too many people. Let's talk in private."-Vivi said while looking around, she know there's spies so they need to be carefull.

"We can't do that, who knows what you'll do when we're alone, we can't trust outsiders."-Koza

"Then bring your trusted aid."-Jon

Koza think for a bit then agree, he bring the other leaders, and they go inside a tent. Jon scan the tent with his sharingan to check if there's someone spying them. He find someone hiding behind a crate, so he move and knock him out. The others surprised seeing this, even the rebel leaders. Jon come back and throw the spy in front of the leaders.

"What we need to talk about, is related to this."-Jon

The leaders became serious now after seeing there's someone spying in their meeting room. They use this room to discuss important things. Then Vivi open her face cover after Jon nod to her. This make Koza surprised because Vivi has disappear for a long time, and no one know where she's gone to. He want to say something but decide not to when he saw the spy on the ground.

Vivi told them everything she had done, information she got, and about Strawhats that has gone to Rainbase. The leaders don't believe it at first, thinking that she lie to them because she is the princess. But they shut their mouth when Jon give them some proof he got in Nanohana and use sharingan's genjutsu to make him reveal everything he knows.

"What should we do now Koza?"-Leader B

"We need to stop this war, we can't let Crocodile got what he want. But i don't know how to tell the other rebels about this."-Koza

"Leave it to me, you need to gather everyone and i will find all the spies. They have a tatoo on their body, so it's easy to find them. Then you can tell them about what you heard from Vivi. It will be easier to make them believe it."-Jon

"How will you do that?"-Leader C

Jon simply show his sharingan again and they seem to understand. Even tough they don't know what those eyes can do but they also don't want to ask, it's scary, plus he wore a scary skull mask, make him look more frightening.

They go outside and start to gather the rebels. When all the rebels have gathered, Jon make 5 clones and start his inspection. The other rebels start a ruckus when Jon is knocking out their comrades, but the leaders calm them down, saying they discovered some spies. Some of the spies tried to run but Jon can chase them easily, they're just some small fry afterall. After some time Jon has find all the spies there and tied them at the front. When the spies have been tied, he tore the clothes that covering their BW tattos. The rebels seem surprised seeing this, then the leaders tell them what they heard from Vivi. After the leaders finished explaining, they go back to the tent to plan their next action. They won't attack Alubarna anymore but they need to stop Baroque Works, also there're still spies in Kingdom army and the citizen still didn't know that the King is innocent about the dance powder.

Yes, dance powder, the start of this war. The dance powder can help gather rain clouds to make a rain. But the effect is, it will take the humidity from the surrounding place, make those place can't get rain longer. The citizen think that the King use those dance powder because they saw it being used in Alubarna. Jon have found a lot of dance powder in Nanohana, it's being transferred from other place using BW ships and they drop them in Nanohana. Those dance powder make the rebels believe Vivi's story easier.

"You should still go to Alubarna."-Jon


"What do you mean Jon?"-Vivi

"The Baroque Works is still going to attack even if the rebels stop. There's no way Crocodile stop just because there's no civil war. He already plan this for a long time, he will not stop just because you stop. Go to Alubarna and help the Kingdom face them."-Jon

"That's sound possible, Crocodile is a sichibukai, one of the strongest force in the world. He already plan this and lots of citizen didn't believe the king anymore and they see Crocodile as their hero. So if he wait, the king can get the people trust again after we find these proof. Alright, we will go to Alubarna as planned. But what about the kingdom? They will attack us because they think we still want to rebel."-Koza

"I already send Carue to deliver a letter to my father, but he still don't know about the spies, what should 'i' do?"-Vivi said while looking down, and Jon flick her forehead.

"Itai (it hurts), why'd you do that Jon?"-Vivi rub her forehead

"Vivi, its 'we' not 'i', did you forget what Luffy said? Don't do everything yourself, you have us, so count us in too. We're friends right, don't bear everything yourself, just tell us and we will help you."-Jon

He said that while patting her head making her blushed. She feel like being treated as a child. But she feel comfortable and think she really can rely on the Strawhats. She just nod and keep looking down while smiling.

"We will go tomorrow morning, it's already late and i don't want to spend a night outside. I will send a clone to inform Luffy about our plan and ask him about it. He's the captain afterall, so he decide."-Jon

Jon know Luffy will tell him to help Vivi, so he need to prepare himself.

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