
10. Brownie Points

My hands shake as they're placed under the table sitting on my lap, glancing around I look to my right, there sits Jake giving me a warm smile.

Next to him I recognize another boy from the studio, his dark black hair makes his little dimple stand out.

Looking at me with a sweet smile he starts to speak.

"So shimmy?"

After he's finished he starts to chuckle, laughing at the little nickname Jake gave me.

Feeling my face heat up I quickly look down, my hair moves to shield my face from them.

A bright cheery voice cuts the tension in the room,

"That's such a cute nickname! I'm gonna use it too okay Jake!?"

Looking up I take in the boy who sits across from Jake at the lunch table, his eyes are hidden the cause being his bright smile.

I can tell he's doing this to ease the tension around us, giving him a bright smile back I go to pick at the food on my tray.

Shortly after I hear a loud scoff, glancing up at the noise that comes from right infront of me.

No other than Nick himself, his face is blank as he's playing around with the straw in his cup.

Loudly he claims,

"Yeah I think I'll stick with Twinkle Toes...

It seems to suit her much better."

The last part comes out soft like he's saying that to himself.

The table goes quiet again as a loud sigh escapes my lips,

"Do WHATEVER you want dummy!"

Looking him directly in the eyes I see a sudden sparkle in them, like my words took a different meaning to him.

Smirking he replies bluntly,

"Yeah? Then I guess I will..."

My eyebrows quirk at that statement,

'Whats that supposed to mean!?'

"None of your business 'IDIOT'"

Scoffing loudly at what he said to me my eyes skim the table, looking at jake next to me I go to talk to him instead of Nick.

"Is he ALWAY this friendly?"

Jake laughs at me as I hear Nick smack his lips.

"Eh only to girls he likes"

Jake says very loudly, pushing me in the shoulder slightly which makes me laugh.

My eyes drift over to Nick sensing him staring at me, still laughing with Jake my laughing slowly becomes quiet at the way he's looking at me.

Feeling a little nervous I clear my throat, his lip catches in between his teeth as his eyes skim over me until they reach the edge of the table, unable to look any further.

His eyes shoot up as he turns his head clearing his throat dramatically,

"Me? Liking HER.... yeah as if!"

His words come out a bit harsh and loud as he says them, Lima Bean with her attention stuck on Nick over hears this, letting out a loud and Obnoxious laugh at what he says.

Rolling my eyes I stand up, grabbing my water bottle out of my bag I excuse myself to go to the water fountain.

Having stepped a good 4 feet away i over hear Jake say

"I mean look at her... why wouldn't you!?"

Quickening my steps a small smile forms on my face at his comment.


With my water bottle filled up in my hand I turn around, bumping into a hard chest my closed bottle falls with a thud onto the marble floor of the Cafeteria.

Hand outstretched my body starts to fall backwards due to me running into the hardest fucking walk to exist.

My outstretched arm swings wildly trying to grab onto anything it can find,

A soft hand grabs mine while another makes its way to circle around my waist.

Feeling my body come to a stop my eyes crack open, opening them all the way I go to take in my Savior.

Scratch that!

"Eww get off!"

Shouting this at him I groan loudly as I see Nick's stupid face come into view.

Pushing myself out of his grip I bend down to grab the bottle,

Standing up quickly I go to move past him.

His hand grabs mine quickly stoping me in my place,

Turning slightly towards him I throw him an annoyed look.

"Listen.. what I said earlier, some of the guys said that it was a little too harsh and to go-..."

Yanking my arm out of his grip I shoot him the meanest glare I could muster up,

"Ohhhh so if they wouldn't have said anything then you wouldn't be trying to apologize right now am I right!?"

Scoffing at his stupidity I quickly turn around and make my way back to the table, my back faces him as I'm about to turn to sit down.


"Would you just stop and listen! I wasn't done talking!"

His voice rings throughout the cafeteria causing most of the students attention to turn towards us.

Turning towards him my eyes slowly travel down towards the item on the floor.

A brownie?

A fucking brownie!?!?

'This bitch did NOT just throw a brownie at me!'

Literally fuming at this point my eyes lock with his, steam coming out of my ears.

His face scrunches up into one of concern, slowly his hands move up in surrender.

'Not this time fucker'

Stretching my hand out I grab a pile of mashed potatoes off Jakes plate, I make eye contact with Jake for a split second as he gives me a smirk at what he thinks I'm about to do.

Turning my attention back towards Nick I raise my mashed potato filled hand, lifting it up I take my stance.

"Wait! WAIT! Listen Twink-..."


Drawing my hand back down to my side i slowly start to smile, his head hangs down, hands trembling at his sides.

Slowly lifting his head his eyes find mine, bringing a hand up he shakily touches the side of his head.

There stuck in his hair and some on the side of his face, lay Jakes once warm mashed potatoes.

His jaw tightens as he grits his teeth, chest rising and falling in a fast motion, his hand quickly grabs the nearest food item.

Looking into my eyes with the darkest glint I have ever seen he lifts his hand, grape juice held tightly in his hand.



Looking down at my green top I know automatically that it's going to leave the ugliest stain known to human kind.

"Haha Nick.... let's just take a second-.."



Food flying everywhere!

People getting tackled!

Students running for their lives!

The last thing I remember before catastrophe happened was Nick, that devilish smirk on his face as he slings the juice towards me.

His last words ring loudly in the air making everyone around us lose all common sense, grabbing and throwing anything and everything they can find.


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