
Wishes Leading To A Dead-end

He finally had found the energy to move from his place. David trudges to stand beside his father and his eyes fall on the paper. 

It was his mother's property. It rightly belonged to him and his sister. The papers were original, there was no doubt about it but it will be soon when it will belong to Madison. The will was being transferred to Madison. Her name was written above in bold letters. Only a few papers remained to sign across than it was all over. 

Ruby would never forgive him if he didn't stop this now somehow. 

"Please. Stop it." David pleaded again but it didn't ring Paul's ears. Paul's handwriting didn't slow down against the paper. 

He ought to do something before only regrets were left behind. 

David falls on his knees before his dad. His hands were trembling but he folded them into fists against his knees. "I'll do anything you say. You won't have to worry now. Please stop." 

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