
“The Power of Technology”

However, the potions that Ainsley brought were also more effective and better than the potions in this era.

Ainsley's healing potions could heal 99% of surface wounds, no matter how deep the wounds were.

As long as the wounds only involve skin and flesh, not bones, nerves, and other more complex body parts, the expensive healing potion in Ainsley's era could basically heal all those wounds.

Of course, these potions were top-notch rare quality potions, so not many people could buy such expensive potions worth one house or more.

Now, Ainsley generously prepared these things for the Godfather, afraid that he would die of blood loss or something that could actually be prevented.

Ainsley's era even had a teleportation scroll sold by people with teleportation ability, but because it was difficult to make, the price became too expensive for just an individual teleportation scroll.

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