
"Winter Forest Battlefield" 

One after another, the trees fell, and the ground shook more with the fall of these trees. 

Some trees were not that tall and gigantic, but other trees looked so strong, yet the trees still broke in half or were simply destroyed in various ways. 

The snow and dust flew into the air with the fall of each tree, and the sound of the fallen tree would echo at the silent mountain peak. 

The usually tranquil mountain peak instantly became noisy, full of suppressed growls and screams of the crazy monsters and beasts. 

The sound of trees breaking and hitting the ground would echo from time to time, and the huge bodies of these trees would sometimes smash random monsters and beasts around. 

Blood started to dye the snow white ground with red, and yet, the monsters and beasts around didn't stop. They smelled blood, and they actually became crazier. 

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