
"Palm From Hell"

The audience didn't go crazy, but they became a bit more irritable and all sorts of negative feelings flooded into their hearts. 

So strange. What kind of hand is that?

The people in the mid-level world where Ainsley lived didn't know what kind of hand came out of the magic circle, but the demons from Hell, who watched this scene, collectively fell silent. 

[(1st floor of Hell): Is it only me or I recognize that hand?] 

[(2nd floor of Hell): I'm not a resident of the 7th floor, but I also recognize that hand...it can't be what I think it is, right?] 

The 'floor' here means the higher the number, the deeper the part of Hell. 

The first floor of Hell was the same as the first 'layer' of Hell, and the demon lord who ruled this floor was Belphegor. 

So, the seventh floor should be the one ruled by Lucifer. 

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