
"The Angels Broke Free From Ainsley's Charm"

Ainsley and her team members drained almost all their energy to fight the enemies and escape from the barrier. 

However, even after they left the sealed place after controlling almost everyone inside the barrier, the battle outside was even more difficult than the one inside the barrier. 

The moment Ainsley and her scattered team escaped from the barrier, the sensitive Michael and Raguel immediately sensed the movement of the domain core. 

Ainsley couldn't disguise the domain core's aura pretty well, and Raguel, as the owner of the domain itself, was extremely sensitive to his own domain core. 

At the same time, Archangel Michael was also sensitive because he was the strongest archangel and from this distance, he could feel the movement of the domain core very clearly. 

The domain core headed out of the sealed place! 

What does this mean? This means, Ainsley must have escaped from the barrier using unknown means. 

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