
"Approaching The Sacred Altar"

[(Gay Succubi Who Wants To Get Laid): If I can have a child, I'll want a child like your excellency!] 

[(Love Lord Lucifer Forever): Good day, your excellency. I'm the leader of this secret mission team. We currently have some situations that need your help—] 

[(Lazy But Strong): Me! Me! I'm a high-level evil spirit, and I've committed countless high-level crimes! Nice to meet you, little baby!] 

[(Let Hell Burn To Ashes): Yo~ I don't know you, but I also kind of know you, your excellency. For the sake of your cute voice and face (that I've never seen directly before), I'll listen to your words for one time.] 

[(Wandering Evil Spirit): I never obey anyone's command in my life even after I become a spirit, but if it's you, your excellency, it can be a one-time exception.] 

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