
"First Time Eating Blood"

In an instant, Ainsley felt a strong bloody flavor bursting in her mouth, as if she was drinking fresh blood from somewhere. 

This would be disgusting if she were human, but Ainsley was now in her blood clan form, and it was the first time she had come into contact with blood. 

The reaction was…quite different. 

The kids in the blood clan race who had awakened their bloodline or had been successfully turned into pure-blooded members didn't directly bite people's necks to drink blood. 

They would always get a bit of fresh blood from animals, and the adults would mix the blood into their food or drinks— just like now. 

The bat-shaped candy was actually a candy created with the blood of a special bat-like animal in the blood clan kingdom. 

Let's just say bats were as common as chickens in the blood clan's kingdom, just like how the doves were common birds in the celestials' Sky Kingdom. 

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