

Ainsley really had a headache, and without her knowing, the countdown to the elders breaking into the black box to resolutely kill Jake had reached just the last one minute. 

[60 seconds.] 

Ainsley could only keep boosting Jake's luck one way or another, hoping the luck could get him free from Zenith's control. 

[57 seconds.] 

The black hole slowly took shape, and the suction power doubled compared to before. 

Even Ainsley had already swayed in the air and had to keep conjuring barriers using her realism art one after another, just to prevent herself from being sucked into the black hole. 

[50 seconds.] 

Jake silently tossed the probability dice again, and the percentage rose to 95%. 

Still, he didn't dare to do anything because there was still the 5% of failure, and from what she knew, celestials were blessed by the Goddess of Luck. 

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