
"Summoning Without Contract" 

Ainsley told her plan to the two elders, and the two elders looked at her with surprise on their faces. 

[Oh, oh! This is a good idea. If you can call your sacred beast now, it's the best!] 

Caroline nodded in excitement while Lyod helped Ainsley to bring Bello to their place as soon as possible. 

[If this sacred beast is your contracted beast, you can put him into your contract space first and then summon him out.] 

They didn't have time to inform the sacred beast and could only surprise him for a few seconds. 

Usually, Ainsley had never done anything like this because she respected her sacred beasts and didn't want to make them feel they're just summoned pets. 

Thus, she never called her sacred beasts back to her contract space and would choose to put them into the vast dimensional bracelet instead. 

But now that the sacred beast was far away, it was indeed the fastest trick to summon the beast across the world. 

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