
"Help Her!"

[I recorded the whole video and kept it as a treasure.] 

[Do any of you realize that when Ainsley put her head on the Godfather's chest...the Godfather had no heartbeat?] 

[I know, I know, but that's normal because he's not a living person. Still, he really feels so kind and warm!] 

[Yeah! I feel so secure and safe in his embrace.] 

[Does the Godfather always carry Ainsley like that? If so, he's really a gentle man when he's not crazy.] 

What the audiences didn't know was that the Godfather used to carry Ainsley like a sack but because the baby was injured...

He refrained from carrying the baby like a sack.

Still, the Godfather was also worried about hurting Ainsley if he carried her like a sack. 

Thus, the man hugged the baby and walked out of the cave normally. 

The Godfather's speed when rushing out was not a doubt, super fast. Even faster, the spirits who could fly because they're ghosts. 

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