
"Spilling Hot Coffee"

The guy's facial features actually looked nice and mature, so Ainsley doubted that his face was so ordinary....

He must be a handsome man, but he wore a disguise or something! Maybe only his close friends knew his true face. 

Unlike the gloomy-looking Cameron, Felicia on his left side was the exact opposite. 

The girl was full of angelic aura, and even her face was as beautiful as an angel. 

Blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin...a typical angel. Even when she walked, she gave off this holy light aura– warm and bright. 

Then, when she smiled, she could topple a city and a country with her beauty alone! 

It wasn't an exaggeration that so many geniuses chased after her like a mad dog...

The Winged Guild leader's granddaughter was really beautiful! 

On the contrary, Sean, whom Aaron said as an 'average' genius, actually looked cute and handsome. 

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