
"The Hunters' Retreat"

After Ainsley decided to debut as a celeb while building her guilds abroad at the same time, she started to approach Jake with this idea. 

And Jake immediately supported her because he also wanted the baby to evolve her charm ability. 

"If this is the case, I'll invite some big stars, agents and entertainment company's bosses to your welcoming party. How is it?" 

Of course, some of the big stars invited would be transmigrators, and this is also a chance for Ainsley to mingle with the tiny transmigrator circle. 

After all, for the past year, she didn't know that there were any other transmigrators besides her in this world. 

Now that she knew, she didn't need to be so wary and anxious all the time. She could blend with the transmigrators and share some stories. 

"Okay, please do that, dad. If it's not burdensome for you, it is. If it's hard to invite them– " 

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