
"A Mysterious Boy Appears!"

"Did I scare you?" 

When Noah said that, Ainsley felt goosebumps. She suddenly felt that this boy is really annoying. 

Does he think she doesn't know what he's planning to do? He's seducing a three-year-old toddler, isn't he? 

He's indeed only a child, so it can't be counted as a pedophile, but that's still abnormal! 

Which ten-year-old boy would look at a three-year-old girl with such a gaze? 

Ainsley was about to reply to Noah and kick him away when suddenly, a cold voice of a boy sounded from behind the couch she sat on. 

"Young master Belva? I didn't know you would be here." 

The voice was a bit immature, sounding younger than Noah. 

However, the coldness inside the voice was so intimidating that the children couldn't help but shudder. 

Such a pressure...the children had only sensed it from their parents or older acquaintances! 

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