
"Inviting More Allies"

Jake and Ainsley also realised that they were in a deadlock right now. Even if both sides' reinforcements arrived, things might still end up like now. 

The Téssera Alliance did win, but it wasn't an overwhelming victory. 

The other party might think that they could win next time. They would keep waging war toward the island, definitely disturbing Pandora Island's future development. 

What Ainsley and Jake wanted was an overwhelming victory because they didn't want any other powerhouses to try attacking the island. 

Being attacked at all times would also be tiring, okay? 

But they didn't want to share this piece of fat meat, Pandora Island, with the government. 

It's not like Ainsley didn't love her country. It's just that the government was hell-bent on destroying the mafia, even when the mafia didn't bring too much harm to the ordinary citizens. 

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