

The moment Ainsley saw the barrier melt under the corrosive liquid's effect, she instantly spoke to her people through the Airpods. 

"Air force team A and team B! Go and intercept the upcoming enemy's air force. We will make sure the hole won't get bigger. Take that chance to kill the Naran Air Force one by one!" 

Right now, if the hole didn't become bigger, only two Naran Air Force members could enter at the same time. 

It means that if the Sloan Family dealt with them the moment they trespassed, it's possible that we could kill tons of Naran Air Force members. 

The Sloan Family Air Force's team A had ten members, and team B also had ten members. Both teams were elites, and each member had more than two abilities. 

They were all monster or beast tamers, and the other abilities were either defensive or offensive ones. 

But among them, there were also ability users who could restrain the enemy's movements or things like that. 

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