
"So Bloody?!"

After the editing, the four youths got someone to print the contract, and each of them gave back the contract to Ainsley. 

That night, Ainsley signed the contract and immediately got her people to prepare for what the four youths' might need. 

Azkar's eldest brother only wanted to buy customised rare potions from Ainsley and became a reseller for six months with the number of supplied potions not going over three potions a month. 

Larsen's older sister already got the 7-day free entrance ticket to the mausoleum and she gave the ticket to Larsen, which further solidified Ainsley's friendship with the boy. 

As for Arlin's older brother, Ainsley promised to bring him to the Xocolet Lake, where there were many ferocious monsters in the forests near the lake. 

There, they could pick one monster to be tamed, and their deal would be done. 

On the other hand, Caca's eldest sister, the young albino woman, had a slightly different situation. 

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