
"End Of Preliminary Round"

Zev paused before continuing. 

[Don't you think your problem will be solved that way?] 

Of course, Ainsley had to bear the pain of forcefully raising Code-B's luck level so that he could accurately summon a soul healer among the souls in the underworld. 

But that would only be a one-time thing. After Code-B helped Ainsley and also masked her soul perfectly, she would be out of danger. 

Coincidentally, the prairie should be opened this month. Ainsley had been waiting for several months already, and the prairie should be ready to accept new guests. 

Thus, Ainsley didn't think much and immediately prepared to visit the prairie once the banquet ended. 

Of course, for now, the baby slowly swept her gaze over the remaining guests, and when she saw that her targets were still alive, she didn't hesitate to send a signal to her people. 

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