
Something to work with.


Wildlife sat opposite Unique, on the table, ready to eat dinner. Ray's birthday is tomorrow did you already pick out a dress, " Wilfred asked looking at Unique.

Unique smiled and nodded her head. "Of course, what are you worried about. I already agreed to meet your friends," she said.

Wilfred took a deep breath of relief. "I am happy that you would attend. You know I can't wait to introduce you to them," Wilfrid said with a smile. He could feel his insecurity washed away because she agreed to meet his friends.

It means that she was taking her promise seriously," will feed thought with a smile on his face... "Thank you," will feed said out of the blue.

"For?" Unique raised her brows. She could not understand why he suddenly said thank you.

"I know you agreed to meet my friends because I asked even if you are not ready. You seem hesitant to meet Carl again," Wilfred said.

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