
Some Factors

("But you know very well that those who pretend to do good, display their acts for the world to see while those who do it for the sake of truly doing good don't expose their good acts,") The system voiced out in his head.

Gustav thought for a few moments about this and realised it was mostly accurate. Sometimes publicizing good acts was just a way to get praise from the masses.

It's more genuine when good is done secretly and not in the open just to get praises.

'This still doesn't mean anything... I'll make my decision after investigating him,' Gustav decided, and the system stopped speaking after this.

After a few minutes of sprinting around, Gustav arrived at the Mug House, a c-shaped ten storey tall building.

It was a bit distant from the last street in the area and positioned right outside the small forest area.

Gustav scrutinized the entire building for a few moments before going around it.

The forest was right behind.

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