
Those three words

Sasha stands in front of us, she stands with such gump and determination. I can see the hatred in her eyes, she wants to kill me. Rip my throat out and lay it on the ground for all the world to see. She hates that I’m taking away Quinneth, her ticket to taking over the Nygaard Kingdom from her Uncle.


“That is my name.” Her black toed boots take a step forward, and so do the people behind her. Quinneth looks up to me, scared of what’s going to happen next. While Zeta, Christian and Leo are off to the side ready to take action. “Give me her back and you all can leave. . .with your heads.” A menacing look paints her face, she makes me sick.

“She’s not for sale. I know you want to take over the Nygaard Kingdom from your Uncle, it will never happen. Quinneth is not that type of girl.” I look down at Quinneth, innocence rakes her eyes. Her sharp nails scrap my skin, I think she’s drawing blood.

“Someone’s a little obsessed with me, thought you were too much of a bonehead to figure out the plan. That Kingdom is in my blood, my birthright. I will do what I have to do to get it.”

“The King has a son, he’ll never let you take over.”

“Jai’lon, my weak cousin. I’ll never let him sit on the throne, people need a strong leader like me. The Daughter of the Red Wolf, a true descendent of the First Adalwolf. So, back down.” Her fingers clench, ready at any moment to take me down.


“Fine, you want the hard way then I’ll give it to you the hard way.” Around the corner comes Aren and Will. Their arms are restrained, and I can see their faces are beat up. A deep growl leaves my chest. Sasha takes notice of this, a grim smile forms on her lips.

“Ah, you care about her, and this other dude. I’ll give you a choice you can decide which one I kill. The black-haired beauty, or this puppet.” She strokes her sadistic finger across Aren’s velvety skin, from being far away I can see a tear leave her eye.


“Is that. . .Will.” Quinneth whispers under her breath. Relief fills her body.

“Yeah, why.” I reply.

“I thought that I killed him in the woods, I’m glad he’s alive.” A beautiful smile pops up on her face. She thought she killed him?

“I’ll do what I want, choose.” My heart starts to race a million miles, never have I ever been put on the spot before, who do I choose? I usher Christian over to my side. I know what I need to do, but with this plan I might not get out alive.

“I need you to get Quinneth and Zeta out of here.” Zeta takes heed of this and starts to shake her head frantically.

“Oh hell no. There is no way I’m leaving you here with the she-devil. You need back-up.”

“He has it.” Turning around I see my father, the beta, gamma and other pack warrior all standing ferocious behind us.

“See I have help, Zeta you have a child and husband. I won’t be the reason they lose you. Also, Christian you have Luci, you don’t deserve to be torn away from her so early.” I say pleading with them. Presenting those reasons will hopefully make them understand why they can’t stay.

“And what about us Alexander. You can’t- risk your life for me.” I grip her face in my hands, our connect more than they ever have before. Wetness starts to hit my hand; I see tears escaping her eye ducts.

“Quinneth I- I have to not only save you but the others also. The whole point of being an Alpha is making sacrifices, this is one of them.” We only have been dating for 2 months now, not a lot of time to get to know each other. I would love to run out of here with her and never look back, but I have responsibilities.

If I’m going to be an Alpha one day, I have to start acting like one. Her eyes revert down to the ground, her dainty arms clutch onto my wrists. Her body is telling me she doesn't want me to leave, but her eyes say that she understands.

“I’ll never forgive you for this.” She says shaking her head frantically, not believing this is really true.

“I know you won’t.” My voice starts to crack, like cheap glass in an old house. “But to know that you and the others made it out safe will sit well with me.” I plant one last kiss on her plump lips. Through the kiss I pore out all my feelings into her, showing that no matter what happens I’ll never forget her.

I push her into Christian arms, she thrashes manically under his grip. Trying to free herself, and save me from making a grave mistake. Off to the side I see Zeta shaking her head, she turns around and helps Christian control Quinn. Her undissolved screams echo throughout the Oslow town, it sends chills throughout my body. Before they get too far, I hear Quinn say something, three words I’ve been waiting to hear her say.

“I love you!”

“I love you too.” I say screaming to her. Through our bond, I feel content in her. She’s no longer restraining, but mellowed out. Numb by all the feelings around her.

My father’s manly hand sits firmly on my shoulder. “You sure about this.”

“Never been surer in my life.” My eyes turn to Sasha, more hatred for her floods through my dark red blood.

“Let’s get this party started. Since you took so long, I decided to pick the person for you.” In a blink she cracks a neck, Will’s neck. His body falls faintly to the ground, no sounds leave his mouth. It's like it happened in slow motion, each part of my body trying to pick at one time. Trying to cope with what I just saw. Aren stands still, scared to even breath, move or talk.

“I’LL HAVE YOUR HEAD!” I scream. She lets out a manic laugh, showing her perfectly straight teeth.

I charge towards her, fist ready to punch and legs ready to kick some ass. My father and the others run behind me, following my pace. My hand comes up to Sasha’s neck, choking the life out of her. She strangles under my hold, but I can see her hands coming up to my arm bending it in an unnatural way.

I let out a shrill of a scream, it feels like I’m being bent over backwards. My grip loosens on her neck and she throws me on the ground, I slide on the ground like water on a beach. Air escapes my lips.

My father and the others fight Sasha’s goons, taking them down one by one. I didn’t want them to help me with Sasha, she’s left to me and only me.

“You think you can take me down! You’re a joke, this isn’t even a fight more like training.” I sneer out my teeth at her, and she laughs at me.

“I’ll never back down.” My hands smack her across the face, sending her flying across the field. She jumps right back up running vastly towards me. I dodge her punch as she stumbles forward. Using the open window, I have, I run over to Aren and untangle her.

“Are you Ok?” I ask her.

“Yeah I’m- fine. Just fine, LOOK BEHIND YOU!” Aren points behind me, I see Sasha coming my way. I instantly shift into my wolf form. She stops instantly, shifting into Her's also, her red furs flow in the wind.

Her growl erupts around her, engulfing us in. We circle each other, trying to see which one is going to pounce first. Instantly, Sasha jumps on me gnawing my neck and fur. Her razor-sharp teeth insert in my neck, I howl out in pain.

I can feel my skin disconnecting from my bones, my fur lays in front of me. Her growl vibrates my body, she does want my throat sprawled out for everyone and anyone to see. As I lay there being torn out, my mind drifts off to Quinneth.

Her chocolate brown eyes and pearly white teeth fill my vision. I can remember the way her hair smelled, lavender and honey fill my senses. When she told me she loved me it made my heart flutter, I have to fight for her. Fight for our future.

A bunch of energy surges through my body, and I force Sasha off of me. Her red body falls to the ground. I find my strength and stand tall, my body looming over her. She’s going down, all the way down.

I gnaw in her neck; she howls out in pain. She ends up pushing me on the ground and as she jumps over me my claws scrap her face leaving a deep gash on it. Sasha falls to the ground, her chest heaving up and down. I see the life escaping her lips, then her breathing stops. Is she. . .dead?

I look up to see Zeta fighting two guys at once. I thought she left with Christian and Quinn. She rips out one of the guy's throat and pushes the one hard against a tree. Once she’s done our eyes connect.

“What? You thought I would leave willingly, then your dumber than you look.” She looks over to me, the now dead wolf that lays in front of me. “She’s dead.”

“Yeah. . .she’s dead.”

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