
Second Vision

Putting all my books in my locker, I shut it and head down the hall. As I walk by the cafeteria, I see a plethora of people decorating it. It looks quite beautiful.

“Hey Quinn.” I look over to see Josh waving at me.

“Hi.” I give him a small wave. Josh is a really nice guy, I had him last year in Algebra.

“I don’t know if your busy or not, but could you hold the ladder for me so I can put this stuff up? Don’t want to fall and break my neck.” I would say no, but Alexander won’t be here for another 30 minutes I need something to do.

“Ok, sure.” I hold the ladder steady as he climbs on up. While he’s doing his thing, I look around at the cafeteria. Tomorrow is the Valentine's Day dance; they always go all out for it. Big red and pink hearts hang from the ceiling, in the middle there's a shiny disco ball.

“So, are you going to the dance tomorrow?” Josh asked while he tapes another heart to the ceiling.

“No, not really. I don’t think my boyfr-.” Josh immediately cuts me off.

“You don’t think your boyfriend would want to go huh?”

“Yeah, how did you know I had a boyfriend?” I only told Lyra and the girls. When I told them they totally freaked out, Khadijah went on and on about how much money he had and I should take him for what he has if he breaks my heart. I just shrugged her off, sometimes she can be way too much, even more than Lyra and that says a lot.

“I saw him pull up in his expensive car to pick you up. Just an FYI, the car wasn’t the only sexy thing that I saw.” He gives me a wink.

“Yeah, he is sexy.” I come to the realization of what he’s talking about. “HEY! No gawking at my boyfriend.”

“Sorry honey when I see something nice, I have to stare. If he was gay, I would totally tap that.” I let out a laugh.

“I know you would.” I chimed in. He comes down from the ladder, glitter decorates all over his figure.

“Thanks for the help your free to go. Make sure you keep him on lock Tara or her surrogate twin Sara will try to snatch him up.”

“I’ll do my best.” I say goodbye to him as I pick my bag up and head towards the door. As my hand comes into contact with the door, I hear a light scream from behind me.

Turning around I see a guy clutching his hands his body. Everyone around him rushes over to see if he’s ok.

“What happened are you ok?” Dana says worried.

“Uh I don’t know.” The guy responds. Dana grabs his hands trying to see the situation.

My eyes widen with shock. His hands are soaked with blood, the vision this was in my vision. I let out a gasp while stumbling back into a poster sign. A few people give me weird looks, “Sorry I get... squeamish around blood.” I leave everyone to the situation and head out the double doors.

I let out a exasperated breath while clutching onto my shirt. It’s been days since I’ve seen a vision, then all of a sudden this happens. The bloody hands don’t really make any sense. I mean the oak tree showed me the four girls that were burned at the stake, but the bloody hands have no connection to anything. The blood wasn’t mines or someone I knew, and the hands weren’t either. I’m kind of rethinking these visions, maybe they mean nothing.

I get myself together, can’t have anyone seeing me freak out. Looking down at the clock on my phone, god better get to the front of the school before Alexander leaves me. I sit on the curb and bring out my book to read. Lately, the information in here has been cool and interesting, but none of it has been valuable to me.

The wind has been blowing relatively hard today. I tuck my hair tightly behind my ear as I turn the page. Reading intently, I see something interesting, maybe even beneficial.

The paragraph says, 'Majority of the women who were accused of being witches were of all different ranks. The women that were posted below most likely were assistants or mentors of the top ranked witches. Whereas the women posted above were the most powerful ones of all, making the rules and spells.'

For days I wondering how important the girls were, guess they were the top dogs. On the side there's a picture to compliment the text. I’m taken back by the image, it’s the picture from my image of when I touched the oak tree. Under the photo I don’t see any names. My hands glide over their faces they look so lost and alone.

“What does this all mean?” I whisper silently to myself.

“Quinneth?” I hear a voice say, it sounds muffled to me. “Quinneth baby?” Looking up I see Alexander screaming out my name.

“Coming.” I quickly pick up my stuff and head towards his car. My grandfather has been currently borrowing my car for the last week. His had some kind of problem with the engine, so Alexanders been picking me up. I do kind of feel bad, his father’s company is all the way in San Francisco and he drives an hour out here to pick me up. I know he doesn’t mind, but I do.

I open the car door and jump right in. “Hey cutie.” Leaning over I grab his face and give him a kiss.

“Mhm, sweet like candy.” He coos out. I tap his cheek lightly while I put on my seatbelt. “I called your name two times and you didn’t hear me, you ok?” He pulls out of the parking lot.

“Yeah, I’m fine just was so entranced with my book.” I put my bag below my feet. “You didn’t have to drive all the way out here to pick me up, not that I’m complaining or anything.”

“I know, but I love picking you up.” He pinches my cheeks, “I can’t get enough of you.” I swat his hand away.

“Oh, if you don’t mind, we need to stop by Ida’s shop.”

“What for?” He turns down the street.

“I left my book for English there. Do you mind?” I mean it is his car.

“You know I don’t mind.” He turns on the street that will take us into town.

Location: Ida’s Shop

“I’ll be back in a jiffy.” Stepping out the car I walk in the shop seeing Ida talking to a customer.

“You have a good day and enjoy that painting.” She says to the customer, when she spots me her lips turn into a smile. The customer walks past me out the door.

“What are you doing here honey, you're not working today.”

“I know, I just forgot my book here.” I lean over the counter and grab it from the shelf.

“Ahh that’s not good.” She looks past me to Alexander sitting in his car, waiting for me.

“So, you and Alexander huh?” I blush when she mentions his name.

“Just happened a few days ago.” I tell her.

“How has it been?” She asked curiously leaning on the counter behind her.

“Amazing.” I say smiling from eye to eye.

“He is very handsome, if I was a few years younger I would tap that.” My face scrunches up in disgust.

“Alright I’m going to leave now.” I awkwardly back up.

“Wait, before you leave this came for you.” She hands me a small package.

“For me? Why was it sent it here.” She shrugs her shoulders.

“It was left on the doorstep.”

“Thanks Ida, see you in two days.” I walk out the door and head back to Alexander’s car.

“Is that it.” He asks clutching onto my hand.

“Yeah.” He starts his car and heads down the road. While he drives, I stare at the package, who would leave me something? Why wouldn’t this be sent to my work and not my house? Hopefully it’s something good I’ll open it when I get home. I tuck it safely in my backpack and look out the window.

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