
The Black Haired Girl

3 hours later...

"Lyra hurry up we need to turn these applications in." I said screaming across the parking lot at her. She's sitting on the top of Jack's car as they make out once again.

"Ugh. I'm coming." She kisses Jack once more and heads over towards me and the car. "You're such a prude Quinn." She snares her face up at me and hops in the passenger seat.

"I'm a prude for wanting to get these applications in on time sue me." I said holding my hands up.

"Just drive the car." I start the car up and we head into town to the newspaper station.

"Since it will be a couple minutes until we get there let's talk about some things." She leaned back and propped her feet up on my dashboard. One thing to know about Lyra she can get comfortable anywhere.

"Talk about what Ly?" I asked stopping at the red light.

"At the charity auction I saw you all lovey dovely with Alexander."

"We were not lovey dovely Lyra girls can be friends with guys and it's nothing. Also, for the millionth time I have a boyfriend." I tell her. The light turns green and I push on the gas and head down the road.

"Tell me this how many times has Alexander texted you since the auction?" She asked.

"Couple times." I responded back.

"Now tell me how many times Myers has responded to you?"

I hesitantly answer her. "None, but we talked in the parking lot today."

"Whatever. He just talked to you today, but hasn't been talking to you consistently. I say go with the guy who recognizes your existence." She pats me on the shoulder and proceeds to look out the window.

She makes good sense which is weird because Lyra never makes sense. For the past couple of days Myers has been avoiding me at school and hasn't returned any of my phone calls or texts, besides today. Whereas Alexander has been texting me seeing how I'm doing and asking how the date. A guy that doesn't really know me is showing me more attention than a guy who knows me.

On one hand Myer's has always been good and nice to me. This situation is so small and meaningless because I don't like Alexander, I just like him, and for some reason he can't wrap his head around that.

I pull up to the station and lean over my seat to grab the applications from my bag. Sitting back in my seat I look over to Lyra to see her on her phone.

"Are you coming in?" I asked. She shook her head no. I tell her to lock the doors while I head on in.

"Whatever." She spoke not even looking up at me. I roll my eyes and head to the building doors.

Walking inside the building there aren't many people here. There's two women on the far-left reading magazines and a man on his phone. I go over to the front desk the lady smiles up at me.

"Hi honey what do you need?" She asked.

"I'm just turning in these applications for the high school internship." I reach over and hand her the papers. I wait there for a few minutes while she reviews the papers. Looking over I see Irene talking to a couple of colleagues, she turns around and sees me.

"Hey Quinneth I hope you are here to turn in those internship applications." She said with a smile on her face.

She grabs me in for a hug, surprised by her gesture, I hug her back.

"Yes I am." I tell her while letting her go.

"Excellent I think you and Lyraina would be a good asset to the company, and you would learn quite a lot.

Where is Lyraina?" She looks behind me looking for Lyra.

"She's in the car." I point towards my bug in the driveway.

"Well say hello to her on my behalf. I have to go back to my office I'll see you later." She brings me in for another hug and gets on the elevator. I turn back to the lady at the front desk to see if the applications were ok.

"Everything is in order. You and Ms. Berkely will be hearing back from us in a few days. Have a good day." I give her a wave and head to my car. Hopping in I look around for my keys.

"Lyra, I told you to lock the doors. What if someone would have robbed us?"

"Luckily they didn't." I roll my eyes at her. As I put my key in the ignition Lyra leans over me to look at something in the distance.

"What are you doing?" I asked in curiousness.

"Isn't that Myers?" She asked pointing to a figure right across the street.

"Myer's has football practice today that can't be him." I responded to her bothering not to look up.

"No... I think that's him just look he's with a girl." She cups my face with her hand and faces it towards the window. Looking across the street I squint my eyes to come to the realization that it is Myers across the street. He's leaned in close talking to a girl with black hair and sunglasses on. She looks quite familiar. They seem like they are talking about something important because I can see Myers brows furrow. He leans forward and plants a kiss on her cheek. The conversation finally ends and he walks into the hardware store while the unknown girl heads down the street jogging.

"Quinn let's follow her." Lyra said shaking my arm.

"No Ly that's weird. It's probably his mom or something." I tell her yanking her hand from my arm.

"Really. I didn't know Myers mom had him at 12. She looks our age." She said flailing her hands up in the air.

"Fine, but you'll do it not me." We get out of the car and switch seats. Once we are settled in the car Lyra pushes the gas and we fly down the street. I instantly jerk back in the seat.

"Hey! Be gentle she's a classic!" I said screaming at her.

"It's a hunk of junk babes I'm surprised it will run." She makes a hard left. "Damn this chick can run."

We go a few more miles until the girl stops and heads towards the woods. Lyra parks the car and takes the keys out of the ignition.

"What the hell. Why is she going into the woods?" Lyra asked.

"Beats me." Is Myers cheating on me? Also, she looks familiar to me which drives me crazy.

"Remember that feeling you had earlier?" I told Lyra.

"Yeah. Why?" She turned in the driver's seat towards me.

"I have the same feeling too." She leans across the seat and brings me in for a side hug.

Something weird is going on here and I will figure it out.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter!

If you have any questions, suggestions or found some grammar mistake that I made just DM me on instagram @thugs_be_like

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