

Ferexa, Hemakel, and Athan ran in different directions.

Five beasts went after Athan, three beasts went after Hemakel, and the other three went after Ferexa.

" FUCK! " Athan cursed and ran in a zig-zag position and used the remaining statues in the hall to block their attacks barely. He couldn't use his primal or genesis energy, so he couldn't use any spells to conjure wings or make him run and dash faster.

Fortunately, he could be safe by hiding behind the other beast statue, but the beasts closed on him real fast, and shit happened.


A snake-like beast with two tiny wings was super fast and released a crescent dark orange attack from its tail that hit Athan on his abdomen.

Fortunately, The purple aura that coated his body protected him. However, he was still damaged internally due to the tremor of that attack.

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