
Chapter 13: POV

Alex and co appeared under a mountain, with a staircase leading to the top, with red torii gates at the side of the steps.

He looked around, and noticed that they are in a floating mountain lifted by clouds. Though when he looked down, he couldn't see the bottom.

Alex turned towards his generals, "Well, should we fly over or...?"

"We will appreciate it if you climb over Alexander-sama."

"Hn?" Alex turned his head, the two fox statue at the side of the staircase suddenly came to life. "My, isn't it inconvenient to let your guest climb these stairs? Besides, we're supposed to have a very important meeting you know, what if we get late?"

The foxes turned towards him, "We really aren't stopping you from flying Alexander-sama, but we would really appreciate it if you can climb the stairs."

Alex smiled and looked at his generals who looked like they don't really care whether they climb or fly.

"Oh well," he shrugs, "Guess we'll take the stairs. I'll just treat it as a sign of respect for the gods who keeps the country where I lived stable."

The foxes seems to smile, "We are very grateful, Alexander-sama."

Alex turned to his generals, "Come on. Let's climb the stairs."


Emi was flying in great speed, leaving behind a sonic boom with Lucifer following behind her with a rather bored look.

He wasn't one to brag, but when it comes to speed, agility, and mobility, no one at the same level as him could keep up with him.

Though he also got to admit that Emi was fast, after all she did managed to beat him years ago when they had invaded Ente Isla, and that was when Emi was just a fourteen years old brat!

Well, in his case, he wasn't really going all out. And he was already suffering from the lack of Demonic Power due people's despair turning into hope and faith when they heard about their supposed hero—who is now the lover of the demon king.

After a few seconds, Lucifer saw Emi flying down and so he followed her. They landed in a middle of the road, where he frowned at the sudden influx of Demonic Power rushing towards him.

He looked around, the people in the streets were panicking, some were yelling that it's the apocalypse and it's the end of the world, while some where yelling that it's time for God's judgment.

He scoffed, remembering his mother. That woman could care less about human lives but she isn't bored enough to wipe out humanity that was giving them power.

His attention was drawn to an explosion. His brows furrowed in displeasure when he saw a Hollow was causing chaos.

With a sigh, he pointed his finger at the Hollow, and a purple light bursts out of it and shoot towards the Hollow, blowing its upper half into oblivion, killing it instantly.


Lucifer turned back towards Emi, she was holding a man whom he could only guess as her father, he seems to be injured as he was bleeding. And he also seems to be unconscious.

Though, his attention was soon drawn towards the girl with short silver with a curl of purple crouching on the ground, clutching her head and has an expression as if she's in extreme pain.

'That can't be good,' he thought before snapping his fingers and create a bounded field. He may not be as skilled in Magic as Malacoda and Alex, but he can still do something like this.

Emi sucks at it though. All she knows are basics and how to slash people with her sword.

"AAAAAHHHH!" The girl screamed as her eyes glowed a purple light as her clothes changed into a black dress with some black cracks appearing on several parts of her body.

'Damn,' Lucifer cursed as even he shivered feeling such malicious energy coming from the girl.

Emi frowned as her wings spreads and she flew away, laying her unconscious father on the ground away from the girl.

She then flew towards Lucifer, "So, what should we do with her?"

Lucifer frowned, before answering, "As far as I remember, the Sephira back in Heaven were split into two, and this girl might be Alice's other half, her sister so to speak. I know the Yesod has been split into countless fragments but they don't have their own consciousness, only Alice and this girl does."

Emi took out her sword as it enlarged, "So we pound her until she's back to her senses huh? It won't do us any good if we kill her."

"I guess," Lucifer shrugs. Already imagining the pain and suffering he'll endure if something happened to Alice's sister, Alex won't let him get away with it.

"Well, let's start!"


Inside a third floor apartment, a beautiful silver haired woman wearing only a baggy shirt and panties can be seen playing some games on her computer with her headphones on, a lollipop was on her mouth.

This woman is none other than Sandalphon, the first generation angel sent here to earth to investigate the disappearance of two other first generation angels.

As for why she looks like she turned into a NEET, well she just wanted to enjoy technology a bit. Heaven is boring after all, and it has been more than ten thousand years since she had any form of entertainment.

"Aw fuck!" she cursed, smashing her fist on the keyboard before taking her headphones off and began to stretch her arms, releasing a satisfied moan in the process.

She stood up and opened her window, looking at the night sky even though it was supposed to be morning. She extended her hand as a small gray particles of light danced around her stretched hands.

"Damn, someone's actually dumb enough to mess around with the energy of the world? Are they planning on doing what Ignora did in Ente Isla?"

She frowned. Ignora told them that separating the latent force into demonic and celestial force was for the good of all, but she didn't tell them why.

All they saw was that, the world lost its balance and became more chaotic. The humanity stagnated, and they no longer have access to the infinite energy coming from the Sephirot.

So Sandalphon couldn't really see why is it good for all. And now, someone is doing the same thing on this planet which was already on the way to being as technological advanced as her old world.

So why was someone planning on destroying that?

She couldn't understand it at all!

However, after a few minutes, she shook her head before looking at the panicking people on the streets with a bored and uninterested look.

"Whatever, this world's problem got nothing to do with me."

She let out a yawn before going back to her computer.


"This is bad, this is bad," Lailah muttered while flying in the air, her silvery white wings glowing and releasing a purple lights.

She was planning on investigating the cause of the sudden change in the world's energy. But she doesn't even know where to start.

So with that thought, she decided to search for a Sephira to at least find some leads since they are more "connected" to this world than anyone in the galaxy.


Almost immediately, Lailah halted as she saw the Landlady of Yuragi-inn in front of her. Her eyes widened before lowering her head to give respect.

"Lady Da'ath,"

"Lailah, it's been awhile." Landlady smiled, "I presume you're also investigating about the sudden shift of the Spirit Energy?"

"Yes," Lailah nodded, "Though not as much, but this is exactly what happened in Ente Isla after that...."insufferable woman" decided to fuck with the Sephirot and caused Ente Isla to lose its balance because she wanted to stroke her ego. What a bitch."

"Language young lady," Depsite her words, Landlady just smiled, "Anyway, I already have some idea on what has caused this and I'm heading there now to investigate. Would you like to come?"

Lailah quickly nodded with a smile, "It would be my honor."

"Where has your sharp tongue go?" Landlady mused, she had known the angel for several millennia and knew just how she acts.

Lailah, at least, have a decency to look embarrassed as she scratched the back of her head while giving a wry smile.

"Also, please wear a decent clothes," Landlady added, staring at Lailah who was only wearing a black tanktop and black lace.

She look at her clothing, she was actually having a peaceful nap before all this shit happened and in her haste, forgot that she was wearing only this.

She wasn't actually embarrassed being seen naked, but beeing seen half-naked...that, for some reason, makes her embarrassed.

So she quickly snapped her fingers as her clothes changed, now she's wearing a white sundress.

"Let's go," Landlady said. "It's just in Egypt, we'll be there soon."

Lailah nodded as Landlady disappeared as if she's never been there. Lailah took a deep breath before flicking her wings and followed after the Sephira.






-----End of Chapter----






Omake: I'll always need you...

Alex was currently watching a cartoon about animals, lions and stuff, similar to his past life's "Lion King" with a few differences.

They are on his mansion, the others were out doing whatever they wanted. Alice was sitting on his lap, eagerly watching the movie with a huge smile.

After awhile, the scene was now on the lion cub, crying over its dying father who protected the cub from the stampede of wild buffalo until his dying breath.

Alex noticed that Alice was sobbing too, so he smiled and began to console her.

"Sniffles...," Alice had tears in her eyes as Alex took out a handkerchief to wipe her nose, "Daddy..."

Alex raised an eyebrow, Alice has never called her that, always "Papa". He thought that the movie had affected her more than he thought.

"Daddy, why does the big lion have to die?"

Alex smiled and began wiping her tears, "Well, sweetie, everything will die, or end someday. Nothing that exists will remain forever."

'Except me, well, not really, because if I was killed I would no longer exist. So technically I also won't remain forever.'

"Will, will you die too daddy?"

"Maybe," he replied, "But that won't be happening for a very, very, long time."

"T-Then, what if you die and I'm still here?" She asked, her lips quivering and she look like she was about to cry once more.

Alex caresses her head before giving her a kiss on the cheek, "Then, that means you'll be all grown up, and you won't need me."

Alice buried her face on his chest while grabbing her shirt tightly as she began to sob, "...I think I'll always need you..."

Alex smiled and just caresses her back, holding her until she fell asleep in his arms.

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