
Voldemorts Daughter

Penulis: Kay_Bailey
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Chapter 1Year one

It all started in year one when you saw two boys running through to platform 9 and 3/4. You notice all the stares you're getting and quickly pull your hood over your face more. After a bit of searching, you finally find an empty compartment on the train and that's when two boys approach.

"Excuse me all the other compartments are full, anyone sitting here?"

You look up to see a boy with brown hair- it couldn't be Harry Potter? This year just got a lot worse. Before you reply you notice a boy with red hair next to him chattering with fear. You look up at the redhead and take off your hood. You look up at them with your saddened Blue eyes. The redhead's face softens. You decide you may as well get the hate thrown at you now.

"Yeah sure. Harry potter right? And you must be a Weasley" The redhead boy glares clearly not happy about being called by his last name but they sit down in front of you.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it as an insult I'm actually quite fond of your family and to tell the truth a little jealous" The boy blushes and they both look at you with- what was that pity?

"It's okay. You're absolutely right though. I'm Ron and as you guessed this is Harry." You look at Harry with guilt in your eyes as Ron grabs your hand and squeezes it. "I'm gonna let you talk. I'll be at the trolley if you need me"

You give him a soft smile. "I'm sorry I never caught your name?" You shiver "It's Y/N" "Why did Ron tell us to talk? Have we meet?" You look down at your feet the confusion in his voice was getting to you.

"You met my dad. Harry, I'm so sorry about your parents. I don't want you to hate me. I don't work for him he's a terrible person and I swear I'm nothing like him"

There it was the thing you feared most, weakness. Harry wipes your tear away and says in a surprisingly calm voice. "Voldemort's your dad?" You nod looking into his green eyes. He goes to get up but not to leave but to hug you for a second your confused until you melt into his arms.

"You shouldn't be judged by your fathers actions, Y/n" You look up and smile "But I do have one question" "Yes?" You say confused. "How come you have a nose and he doesn't?" You remember a man from the night of your fathers' death and say "someone must've kicked it off after you killed him" I wonder how he knew he didn't have a nose.

You both sink back into your chair and laugh. You go and fetch Ron well Harry pretty much buys the whole Trolley. Well running to get Ron everyone was staring at you with fear and hatred but all you do is smile, You have Ron and Harry now and that's all you need plus your childhood best friend Draco and your secret best friend.

"Hey Ron, I just wanted to thank you for letting Harry and I talk and thanks for not freaking out about him You Know Who being my dad," You say with a big smile "As soon as you said you wish you had a family like mine I could tell you were gonna be better than him! This is Fred and George my two older more annoying brothers" You chuckle and give them a wave.

"Ron ill be back there's someone else I need to see" he nods"Blimey Harry leave some for everyone else" You could hear Ron say to Harry even though you were a good 5 compartments away.

"Draco!" "Y/N where were you!?" "I got on a bit distracted sorry" "Lemme guess you saw how gorgeous you were without the hood?" You knew he meant it as a joke though. You guys were best friends. "Oh shut up!" You look around his compartment to see a girl holding onto Draco for dear life, you can see the pain in his face so as a joke you say "So I've been planning our Marriage" She glares at you and goes to say something when a very red Malfoy says "Oh yes mother wanted to know if your dad was coming or not" The girls glare turned into fright "Yes does she want him next to Lucius or Bellatrix?" Before he could answer your name was called "see you around guys!"

You could hear a mumbled girl's voice say "why would you marry her don't you love me"

There were two people in front of Harry and Ron when you got back "Hey, guys!" "Hey, Y/N" you looked at the girl and boy who were looking at you with such fear in their eyes and made your way to sit with Harry.

"Have either of you seen Nevills toad?" A bushy-haired girl asks "no sorry" Harry and Ron mumble. She looks at you and says "well" she snaps. "well what" "have you?" You snap back but try to calm down "if I had I would say, I'm sorry I shouldn't be rude, I'm Y/N-" "I know who you are I'm sorry to it's a pleasure to be in the presence of such a strong witch" "wait. You're not scared of me?" "scared of you no! of your dad kind of." I cringe "but your nothing like him I bet! come on let's go change into our robes!" I look at Harry and Ron they shrug and give me thumbs up I smile and get dragged away.

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