
I Just Don't Believe.

"Alright, that's enough for one night." I felt so sleepy now, while my brother bounced excitedly in his spot.

"More! More!"

"No way. It's past two and I have a lot to do tomorrow."


"Today." I corrected myself, and placed the book back. "How can you still not be tired by now?"

"I slept the whole day Freya, I'm nocturnal now."

I paid no attention to him and I started answering the mistress of sleep's call.

"Come on..." He whined beside me. "Only one chapter and you're down."

"Five chapters. Which is enough to reflect and study on for now."

He huffed and sat still, "Fine. I'll just read it by myself." And made a move to reach for it from the nightstand.

"Oh you'll do no such thing." I was faster and grabbed it, holding it away from him. "You need to sleep, right now."

He groaned in protest, but still laid down. "How come you always get to be den mother?"


"Never mind."

I set the book back, and turned off the lantern that hung above our heads. The book was interesting, that's for sure. But it's not in the usual genre I like to read.


I love playing the cello. The way it could make slow, soft notes, and then ascend to a quick symphony in a matter of seconds and quick work of hands. So I practiced on five out of seven days, with my teacher, Madame Janette.

She hummed along with the well-known piece I played until I finished.

"Well done your highness. Now as to why you were late..."

So my schedule for today is dance practice at eleven, cello practice at ten, and reading at eight. Which means I'm supposed to wake up at seven.

Except I woke up at ten.

So I started cello practice half an hour later, and from experience, I can definitely say that Madame Janette despises lateness, which did not put in a good spot right now.

"I'm so sorry. I just lost track of time," I swear that Fern's room was built away from the hands of time. "And I wanted to bring you this." I handed the rectangular book to her, and she began flipping through the pages.

In all honesty, I would've been much more late if I hadn't used one or two tricks Fern had taught me.

Sliding down the staircase banisters is an undeniable thrill.

"Impressive. You will play some of the music in here for me next time, yes?"

"Of course Madame."

"Très bien!" She handed me the book and picked up her bag. "Never, be late again. You're lucky you can play such beautiful pieces that melt my icy heart."

I blushed immediately and squirmed in my seat. "But you haven't heard them yet..." I played music from several renowned artists, but I like to write mine as well. Only two people have ever seen my work. My teacher and my brother.

She smiled. "I know they'll be good because you play from here." She pointed to where my heart was.

I smiled at her as she left. Now on to the dance room.

"Maria?" I caught her running errands just before I opened the door. "You told Fern a story that you didn't tell me."

"What on earth are you..."

She placed her hand on her chin in thought before her eyes widened in realisation. "Oh. That story! Freya that was years ago and you wouldn't have liked it anyway."

"What makes you think that? I love all your stories!"

She chuckled, "I'm not so sure. This one isnt exactly your favourite type." And continued on her way, wheeling a meal cart in front of her.

I watched her retreating figure until faint music coming from inside the room reminded me of my main goal. I walked in, the music bounced around the room from a phonograph. Mr. Cullen glided gracefully around the room on his extra long legs. As the music ascended to a faster pace, his movements started to match the rhythm. The music began reaching it's high peak, and he started to pirouette furiously. When the last note stretched on he leaped and landed gracefully on one knee and struck a pose as the music ended.

I offered my little applause and he flashed a literal breathtaking smile in my direction. Not that I would intentionally boost his already large ego.

"Thank you, thank you. I am incredible. I know." He bowed in different directions as if there was a crowd around him and I rolled my eyes at this.

I watched those long legs take him to the edge of the room in a few strides to wipe his forehead. Maybe I would be able to dance just as good as him someday, however I've only just started these dance classes recently and am still a long way from that possibility.

I walked over to the thin bar close to the far left of the room. and assumed my position.

""Alright Freya, stretches first, then we work on how long you can pirouette, then balance on the beam."

I nodded. Practice. Is. Perfection.

I went down, keeping my feet in a V shape and knees apart, then back up seven times. The next time I came up I effortlessly brought my right leg up past my head, almost making it align with the one underneath me. I winced at a little stretch pulling along the inner thigh of my raised leg. I brought it down and repeated the exercise, seven times.

Normally it wouldn't hurt or even stretch if I did that. I've been flexible for as long as I can remember, but I never really made use of it, and my parents for some reason never realised until last year. So in came Mr. Cullen, a renowned dancer in Xeldia, not only for his talent, but also because of his eccentric height and undeniable egotistic character. I guess flexibility is too good of a gift to lose.

"And one two three. Go." He pushed a button on the stopwatch.

I spun for a while, a little longer than previous times.

"Thirty-three, excellent! Not dizzy yet?"

"Mm... No."

"You've been progressing rapidly since our first class. Thanks to me of course. Now onto the beam." I hoisted myself onto it, and did a front flip, followed by a series of other tricks. Mr. Cullen observed and commented where it was needed, while complimenting himself as well.

One look at his face and I knew he was coming up with another one.

"Tell me Freya, is there anything on my face?"


"Wrong. There is only one thing, and that is beauty."

I almost wanted to bang my head on the beam below me, but instead I carefully came down. In what felt like five hours, one had passed, and I practically had to shoo Mr. Cullen out and away, before he could crack a bad joke.

Crisis averted.

I relaxed on my bed, now that I was done for the day and I let my mind wander around for a bit. My birthday was coming up, and I vaguely remember that my mother had something important to tell me about it. I suppose I forgot to ask her what it was. I'm sure it's not that urgent.

Then I thought of what Maria said. "This one isn't exactly your favourite type." So maybe I'm more into non fictional history than one that's made up.

"Alright, I'm here to listen to your complaints."

Maria walked through the open door, oops, and leaned on the frame, with a bored look on her face.

"Tell me the story."

"Freya you don't like stories like that, and I thought you were already reading it with your brother."

"Yes... But it's different when you're the one telling it. We are just reading it from an old dusty book."

"Do you even like the book?"

"Define like."

She groaned and slapped her palm to her forehead, "See what I mean? You think those kind of stories are made up!"

"Of course they are." I got up from the bed and walked to my desk, looking for my hair bands. "I mean, I know that there's a little bit of magic here and there, but if there were truly gods watching from somewhere, what in the world were they doing when those people were suffering?"

"Oh my word- Freya they aren't beings you can just decide for, and I'm sure they had certain reasons to come at that certain time."

"Ha. Must have been one heck of a reason if the people end up just accept their help so willingly."

"Freya..." She warned, but I didn't listen.

"Either that, or they're just incredibly desperate for someone to-"


"What?" I faced her and almost laughed till I saw the stressed look on her face. I might have gone a bit too far.

I took a deep breath. "Look, I'm sorry for speaking like that, but you can't blame me for thinking that way." I found my favourite white hair band and began fixing my hair into a low bun.

My apology softened her up a bit, as she gave me a tiny smile. "It's okay though I do wish you would open your mind to these things."

I patted the firm bun on my head. "Maria my opinions aren't hurting anyone. If I don't believe in those kind of things, let it be." I shrugged and walked into my wardrobe to change.

"You'll have to believe someday..."

"What was that?" I asked already caught up in picking a gown for the rest of the day.

"Nothing. Why don't you check up on your brother? See how he's feeling."

"Well we do have to go over a few things for our party." Maybe this light purple one...

"Anything you two will render?"

I gave a short laugh. "You ask like it matters. But I guess I'll play the piano this year."

"And the song?"

"One. That's up to Fern. Two. It will always and forever be a secret." I smiled at her once I came out.

"And here I thought I was special." She pouted. I giggled and ran to jump on her, and as always, she caught me.

"You are special. Which is why I'm going to give you a gift on my birthday. No rejecting this time!"

She opened her mouth to speak but closed it when she saw how serious I was. "Fine. As you wish your majesty." She took a courtesy and left.

I made my way to Fern's room and when I stepped inside it was.... Organised? I moved closer to the shaking figure on the bed.

"Who did this?" I asked in genuine curiousity. He sat upright, resting his back on his pillows.

"She...she...arranged it all... I couldn't...stop her..." He buried his head into his palms and began sobbing while I scoffed. "Still no name. Doctor Tonica?"

He looked up at me with a completely dry face. "I wish. At least she couldn't touch my things. It was that teacher of yours! Jacqueline or Joanne or-"


"I don't care what Jina's name is! She's a monster and now I won't be able to find anything anymore!" He yelled and went back to fake sobbing. I went with it and patted his back.

"There there. You'll still be able to find...some things."

"How did she even find me?" He full on wailed, and I was sure my eyes would hurt soon if I continued rolling them around. "She probably has a nose that sniffs out unorganised rooms or something."

I huffed, blowing a stray strand forward. "You want me to 'reorganise' it for you again?"

He sniffled and turned to me. "You would do that for me?"

"Sure." I pushed off of the bed and walked into his wardrobe to start tossing clothes around. "It's what you wanted in the first place."

"You are my soul mate." I could hear the smile in his voice right before he sneezed. I myself had a small smile playing on my lips as I worked.

In-between tossing and unfolding, my nail grazed the silver lining of a drawer. "Ouch." I drew my hand back to look at it, but noticed something off. The place where my nail met the metal was scrapped off, revealing fine bronze underneath.

Why would a silver kingdom possess fake silver?

My mind raced with questions and possible and impossible answers.

"Uh, Fern?" I called, not taking my eyes off the curious sight in front of me.

He hummed absentmindedly, and I realised he had buried his mind into that history book again. I argued with myself if I should alert someone about this. There could be someone tainting the silver mines, or illegally importing them into Xeldia, or-

"Why are you just standing there? If you're done come so we can read this book together."

I shook my head a bit to clear my thoughts. "I...yeah, I'm coming." I crawled in beside him, and held the book. "Where did we stop?"

"The part where the gods are about to answer the people's prayers."

I rolled my eyes mentally when I heard that. "Found it. Ready?"

He nodded excitedly.

"In what looked to be the end, a sign was shown that the gods had finally heard their cries..."

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