
chapter 2

I wake up the next morning feeling refreshed .I quickly get out of bed and rush to the bathroom to get ready for today as I have to pack to go as I will be leaving tomorrow in the morning . I take a shower and tie my hair into a ponytail ,pull out a small cropped top and some sweatpants.

I go downstairs and find jasmine frying some eggs and bacon and grab a bowl of granola "hi jas I say " ,"hey" she replies ." Where is mom is she gone to work yet "i ask her I was wondering if you would like a company me to the shops to go and buy some of the things I need ."yeah sure " she replies sometimes I wonder if me and her are like related, because she always acts so distant towards me .Me and her used to be so close and i wonder what changed."why are you always so closed off jas like really what did I do to you " I ask her ."its not you its just that I am thinking about stuff "," you can talk to me jas I am your sister we are supposed to tell each other everything " I tell her ."Its just that me and grayson we have been having some problems lately ,I feel like he's cheating on me and he's never around .Sometimes I feel he doesn't like me anymore ,Mia what's wrong with me am I ugly or am I just to much to deal with" ."No jas its nothing like that he's just being a dick that all ,I think you should talk to him and see what he has to say ", " that's probably a good idea ,I will do that. What were you saying anyways about going to do shopping?" ." Oh yeah I was asking you come with me to the mall to buy some stuff I will need to take " I tell her ,"so let me eat my breakfast and we will drive to the mall," OK "I reply and put my bowl in the sink .I take my phone out and busy myself with it while I wait for her.


I turn up the volume and we sing along to the song white Mercedes and go by Charlie xcx . I roll down the windows and stick my head out while singing .Me and my sister dining at the top of our lungs.


I take all of these blue and yellow pill when nothing seems to last l

Like youuu, you're chasing after something that you'll never have

Cause ohhhh

Like a white Mercedes always been moving to fast

When your heart is breaking you keep on pulling me back

Hate myself but really love you

hurting you feels like I'm

hurting as well all I know is i don't deserve you


We arrive at the mall and go into target ,I decide to take a couple of pillows, white bed sheets,a nice magenta duvet cover ,

toiletries ,some makeup brushes and a few items of clothing .

We then decide to go to McDonald's and we both order fries and a burger with canned sprite. We sit down and eat ,while making small talk .Jas tells me about all her crazy first date experiences. We both laugh and chatter .


We arrive home " I'm going upstairs to my room ,if you need me I'll be taking a nap" she tells me ."OK,I'll start packing my things for tomorrow" I tell her .

I go up the stairs to my room and start packing everything I will need. After i am sure I've packed everything . I text my best friend Lilly to tell her to meet me at the le thè cafe ,so we can catch up and say goodbye to each other, as she will be going away and i will also be going away. She will be going to a university in Germany and I will be going to the university of New York.


Hey babe can we meet up at the le thè cafe so we can talk

Lilly :

Yeah sure mia, of course I'll meet you there in like 15

Me :



See you then luv

I go to jasmine 's room to tell her i am going out but I find her passed out on her bed ,so I decide to leave her. I take a Cardigan and go downstairs I then grab a fruit bar and pour some juice. I quickly put on my sneakers .I leave the house and walk to the cafe ,I see our neighbour Cole .He kindly greets me and I reply back .I go on walking until I reach the cafe and sit down,I realise Lilly hasn't arrive so I order a cup of cappuccino .

Lilly shortly arrives after a few minutes and we hug each other ."Hey bitch" she says " Hey hoe " i reply .we sit down and she starts talking "so when are you leaving ?" she asks," Tomorrow morning ,what about you? "I answer". I'll probably leave the day after tomorrow",she says. "Like its crazy how time has flown ,just yesterday we were freshmen at our high school and now we are all grown up" I say to her."I know right that's so true "she answers." Bitch I'll miss all the crazy times we've had together"she tells me."Like I said before don't forget me we have to keep in touch " she says I agree

with her and decides to order some ice cream .

We talk for a while ,until we decided to prep up and leave .She hugs me so tight,that I can't breath and I start hyperventilating She starts crying and I tell not to because then she'll make me cry and we will both cry and it won't be easy for us to depart. We go our separate ways and I walk back home .

I open the door and enter "hello jas ,Mom is anyone home " I shout." In here" my mom calls out from the kitchen .I go into the kitchen and find Jasmine and mom cooking my favourite ,pasta with meatballs. "Hey honey were have you been I haven't seen you since " mom asks."Oh i went out to meet lilly so we could have a proper goodbye since I'm leaving tomorrow"I tell her "that's nice how did it go" my mom was always asking me questions about where I've been and stuff, and honestly it was annoying sometimes but I guess it showed she cared .Since dad had left when I was 10 and jas was 14.

"Oh you know the usual ,Lilly is always so emotional ,but I think it went well. " So are you excited for tomorrow and everything" she asks me,"I don't know I think I probably gave mixed feelings about it but overall I'm anxious as to how the day will go"I answer her and sit down and start helping out with the table preparations .I grab all the plates and glasses at the table.

We all pray and start digging into the food and we start to make little chatter .After dinner ,I take a shower and remove all my make up ,and dress into my fluffy pyjamas .I get into bed and set an alarm so I am not late tomorrow ,I want to be as early as possible I slowly close my eyes and succumb into sleep ,because tomorrow will be a long day.

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