
Having Fun

This is going to be fun.

Or not.

It could escalate very easily.

But! I have a plan B, C, and D!

The B and C are to beg for help.

The D being the best if you know what I mean 😉.

That last one is to run as fast as possible haha.

Is it too naïve of me?

I don't think so.

As long as I don't offend some real power, everything should be fine.

The city itself is part of some neutral faction, so they won't lift a hand.

I go back ready to face tons of thugs.

The entrance is deserted.

This is strange, to say the least.

They should have already received reports about me.

Normally they would already be swarming me.

This means that they are probably preparing a trap!

But I have a secret weapon!

Scouting-no-Jutsu activate!

Apparently, there are a lot of them in the main hall.

Didn't I describe this as a medium-sized house?

Yes, I was mistaken.

It seems like they merged many houses to create a territory.

Aka the houses are the walls.

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