

"AWOOOO!!!" shouted the wolf beastman leader loudly.

"Shit!! Call for backup!!" ordered the dwarf guards captain.

Just after giving the order, A leopard beastman suddenly appeared before the dwarf captain. Using his fast momentum speed, he moves past the dwarf captain while pulling the dwarf captain's head with his slender hand.

*BOOOM* The leopard beastman throws the dwarf captain to the buildings in the distance. When the nearby dwarf reacts, they only find a tall leopard beastman smoking a cigarette on the spot of their dwarf captain. *Clang* *Clang* At the same time, a metal breaking sound is also heard nearby.

They find the previous wolf beastman manage to cut loose Yonghi and Atonas restrain. When Yonghi's restraints cut off, an invisible wave erupted from his body to every corner of the Undermine Council [Call of the Jungle].

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