
Elizabeth, The Magic Krieger

Elizabeth was forced to be in her bedroom by Merlin, Although she wanted to test her newly founded ability which is Order and Chaos. She knew that she needed to rest for a while especially after the nightmare, Elizabeth who was in the bed sleeping peacefully woke up.

"What time is it?" Elizabeth asked herself, She turn around and looks for her clock. She then saw the time which is still early in the morning, She has been asleep for a long period of time. She then stands up and prepared her clothes for her training, Every day she would train and it doesn't matter what day it is.

After putting her clothes on, Elizabeth then left and head towards the Training grounds, It took a while but Elizabeth was now on the training grounds and was now doing her everyday training. 1,000 push-ups were the first training Elizabeth plan, Elizabeth started the training in a relaxing morning.

Finishing with her 1,000 push-ups which took half an hour to complete, Even after the push-ups Elizabeth didn't even sweat and continued on her second training. The Second Training was 1,000 sit-ups, This was to train Elizabeth's leg so she had to train without stopping until it reaches to 1,000.

'This is weird.' Elizabeth felt something weird in her body, She didn't even feel tired after training that much. Elizabeth didn't dive into the weird thing and continues her Third Training which is 1,000 Squats, She began training, and time passes by. Elizabeth, who finished on her third training felt that she wasn't still tired.

'This is confusing, My Stamina seems to have gotten a lot of increase after creating my own Magic Core.' Elizabeth thought to herself, She now almost finished at her training. The Last Training is the 100km run, She needed to circle the whole Training ground 50 times to get 100km.

Elizabeth began running and just like before time passes by Elizabeth was now at her last round, She didn't feel any tiredness. Is this a dream? Elizabeth had a lot of questions but before she thinks about she needed to complete her last training first. After passing through the last round of running, Elizabeth then sat at the tree where she always takes a rest.

'My Body is more powerful than before, It is impossible for it to be the Magic Core alone.' This was what Elizabeth thought after she sat on the ground, The Magic Core had a part in it but that doesn't mean it was alone. Elizabeth then remembers something she didn't check.

'My Notifications.' Elizabeth wasn't keeping track of her Notifications, She knew that there must be something that happened. Elizabeth was curious and wanted to check her current status so she decided to check it. A while later the Status was finally seen by Elizabeth.



Name: Elizabeth An'cient

Race: Devil Race(Bloodline not Activated)

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Current Power: 10x More Powerful than a normal human.


Adoptive Muscle Memory: Unlocked

Eidetic Memory: Unlocked

Absolute Regeneration: Endurance Training

Super Natural Condition: Unlocked

Power Absorption: Ability Training

Order and Chaos: Unlocked


Be an Admiral (Not yet Done)

[Abilities Body Status]

[SuperNatural Condition I: Limit has been increased, Current Limit is 25 times more powerful than a normal human. Upgrade will only be available when Power Absorption is unlocked.]

[Order and Chaos: Starter Magic Krieger.]

[Eidetic Memory: Functional.]

[Adoptive Muscle Memory: Can train anything that is below, 10 times more powerful than a normal human.]


'Eh? My Supernatural Condition is now unlocked.' Elizabeth was surprised at what she saw, Her Supernatural Condition has been unlocked. This was a piece of surprising and good news for her, especially when she didn't know when the ability would unlock itself. Elizabeth notices another thing in her status.

'My Supernatural Condition is different from before, It may be because of my new body.' Elizabeth thought to herself, The Effect of the Current Supernatural condition wasn't the Multiply but it did say that it would multiply her attributes which is currently missing. Another thing was noticed by Elizabeth when she was looking at the Supernatural Condition.

'My Power Rank is now in the Status, My Rank is currently 10x more powerful than a human.' Elizabeth thought, But this is something useful for her. She can only grow to 25x more powerful than a human before hitting the limit, Elizabeth thought about the limit.

'The only way to upgrade is to make my Supernatural Condition is to unlock my Power Absorption.' Elizabeth thought to herself, But how will she unlocked the Power Absorption. This was the question she was asking herself but before she could think about it she heard a voice in the distance.


"Merlin is calling for me." Elizabeth then left her resting spot and head towards the direction where she heard Merlin's voice, A while later of running. Elizabeth finally saw Merlin and it seems that Merlin was leaving the mansion. Elizabeth arrives in front of Merlin and spoke to her.

"What is it?" Elizbeth asked, She was curious as to why Merlin called her. It must be something important so she asked about it. Arthur was also right beside Merlin and saw the current clothes of Elizabeth which made him turn his head. Merlin then spoke about why she called Elizabeth.

"It is time for you to choose a Grimoire." Merlin said towards Elizabeth, It was time for her second student to have her own Grimoire so that she could be a full-fledged Magic Krieger. Elizabeth who heard what Merlin said was confused, What is a grimoire? While she was thinking about this, Her face showed a face of confusion.

"Arthur show her the Grimoire." Merlin seeing the confused face that was on Elizabeth then spoke to Arthur, Arthur then sighed and took out a grimoire. His Grimoire appeared out of nowhere and it had 4 stars that had different colors. This was a weird thing but it seems they represent the Elements.

"Ohh..." Elizabeth had an honest reaction, This the first time she saw a Grimoire. The Grimoire she knew in the rumors or story seems to indicate that they are an emitter for people who use magic. It was like a wand but it was changed into a book, Elizabeth then spoke towards the two.

"Okay, Let me get ready." Elizabeth spoke towards them with a serious voice then left, Merlin and Arthur entered the car and decided to wait for Elizabeth to get her own clothes. It took a while but Elizabeth was now in her formal clothes which were the Clothes Merlin gave to her.

'Wow!' Merlin and Arthur thought when they saw Elizabeth, Merlin was surprised when Elizabeth wore the clothes that she gave to her while Arthur saw for the first time the beauty of his Junior. Elizabeth then entered the car and the trio drove, They were currently heading towards the nearest Grimoire Library.


Traveling to the Grimoire took 4 hours long drive, Merlin's car was very fast and was traveling 200 km/h speed. It was a straight road and it still took this much time which means that the Grimoire Library was very far from the Mansion. The Car is currently in front of a Big Building that looks like a Cathedral and a Tower combine into one building.

"This is big." Elizabeth muttered when she saw the Cathedral, She used seeing big things but seeing a Giant Cathedral was surprising especially when it was not formed by a natural occurrence but was built by its very foundation by species that evolve to become intelligent.

The Size of the Cathedral was very big, It's height was 5 kilometers long. This was very surprising and this was only the height, While Elizabeth was staring at the Giant Cathedral. There were a lot of people entering the building and was staring at her, This Cathedral was known to be a normal library but it has something in it which is the Grimoires.

"Elizabeth follow us." Arthur spoke to Elizabeth who was right beside Merlin, The Crowd that was staring at her then saw the handsome but not confident Arthur. As the Senior of Elizabeth, It was his job to protect her from the trivial things which is the crowd staring at her. Elizabeth who was cut off from her daze followed Arthur and Merlin.

"Okay." Elizabeth said while walking right beside them, The Crowd then disperse seeing Arthur but the girls in the crowd were staring at him like a hungry man seeing a bottle of water in the middle of a desert. Arthur who was walking with Elizabeth and Merlin felt a chill on his spine, He then saw many girls staring at him with hungry eyes.

The Trio then arrive at a weird wall that looks like it would open, Which it did open. Elizabeth just sighed when she saw the Wall open like a door since she was used to this kind of thing. The Trio entered the door and was met with a new world, They teleported into a new hall that was full of people like them.

"That door was just a portal, Only a Magic Krieger can enter it. There is only one Grimoire Library in the entire Empire and this is it." Merlin said with a chuckle, Elizabeth saw a lot of powerful humans. All of them were Magic Krieger, She also notices that there were a lot of races other than humans which are surprising.

This was the first time Elizabeth met humanoid creatures other than humans, The First one she saw was an Elf. It was very obvious from the Clothes to her ears, The Second one was a Dwarves, Followed by Intelligent Monsters, And Followed by Beastmen. It seems that there was a lot of races in the empire, The Empire was too big to see them all.

The Trio then walked into the hall, They were gathering a lot of attention. This is only because of the Legendary Magic Krieger and One of the 10 Prodigies in the Empire which is Arthur. These two were legendary in their own way and Elizabeth was the only one left who was not known by other people.

"Miss Merlin, What can I help you with?" The Receptionist asked, This was the first time she saw the Legendary Magic Krieger in the Empire so she was a little bit excited. Like the THICC woman she was, Merlin emitted an aura that is very dangerous for but men and women.

"My Student has finished forming her Magic Core so it is time for her to have a Grimoire." Merlin said with a calm voice, But the crowd around her stop moving and stared a the trio. Arthur was just next to Merlin and wanted for this to finish but he was a good Senior so he must participate in the Grimoire Seek of his Junior.

"Eh? You have a second student?" The Receptionist asked, This was the first time a Legendary Magic Krieger to have two Students. So the Magic Krieger around them was shocked since it was the first time something like this happened, What is the talent of the second student of Merlin?

"Yes, this is my Second Student. Elizabeth An'cient!" Merlin announces her second student, Elizabeth who was right beside her didn't care about anything and was looking at the Giant Hallway. The Crowd hearing what Merlin said just continued on what they're doing while sometimes sneaking a peek at Elizabeth.

It was obvious that Merlin had no reason to hide Elizabeth, Although they tried the Chaos and Order Magic Core. Merlin didn't found a trace of Chaos on Elizabeth's body and her body was full of Order, But Merlin knew that the Chaos inside Elizabeth was hiding itself behind the Order which is surprising.

A Luxurious Wooden Door appeared right beside them, This was the door towards the Grimoire Library. The Place where Elizabeth would get her only Grimoire, The one that would have a journey with her in this New World.

"Elizabeth, I hope you find a good Grimoire." Merlin said towards Elizabeth, Elizabeth just nodded and entered the door. After entering the door, The Door closes itself and disappeared. Merlin and Arthur were just standing there since the two of them had to wait for Elizabeth.

Hope you like it.

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