
31. Raine

It had been awhile since I had cried, well as me anyway. I didn't count the four years I was Kandra. To me that was just a dream, an illusion where I was free of everything that had hurt me. It wasn't real and never would be real.

Growling to myself I wiped my eyes. I have to get out of here. I have to get away from all of them, but first I need to get stronger. They were right about one thing running away won't help anything. No what I needed to do was take Driak down. He had to pay for what he'd done to me. I don't care if he is immortal I'll find a way to kill him for good. if anyone had even a slight chance it would be me. Who knew being raised by him would be an advantage against him.

Getting up I began to train, I had to get my body back to what it was four years ago. It would take awhile to get back to my old self but I had to be ready the next time they opened those bars I was out of here no matter who I had to take down to do it.

It was a few hours later I was sweating with exertion when Slo returned with another plate of food and a bottle of water. To my dismay he didn't open the door this time merely passing the food through the bars after a show of tasting each bite first of course and drinking some of the water. I took them silently sitting down to eat. I half expected him to leave but to my annoyance he sat in the chair before me. Groaning I spun around turning my back to him. Childish maybe but it was just creepy him sitting there watching me eat. However all it made him do was chuckle.

"Seriously how childish can you be?"

I snarled at him but didn't say anything as I continued to eat.

"Not talking to me now? That's even more childish."

Let him think what he wants, I know it's just a ploy to get me to interact with him. Well why would I give him what he wants? He clearly doesn't care about what I want.

"That's fine I don't mind if you don't talk I'll just sit here until you do."

So he just sat there watching me while I ate even as I continued to work out my frustrations. His eyes never left me the whole time. I tried to ignore him, tried to concentrate on what I was doing and not him sitting in the chair. But as I got more tired from my work out the more it irritated me. Til finally I spun growling at him my eyes glowing, canines and claws out.


a wide smile spread across his lips as he sat forward winking.

"Knew you wouldn't last long."

I remained partially shifted as my fist clenched my claws digging into my own skin drawing blood.

"Want another blow to the family jewels?"

He cringed.

"No thanks once was definitely enough."

Stepping closer to the bars i smiled.

"By the sounds of earlier it clearly wasn't hard enough. Miss red finally give up the cherry eh?"

His face changed instantly a threatening growl escaping his throat.

"struck a cord did I?"

His growl grew louder making me laugh my body completely human again. It was true with my strength coming so was my keener sense of hearing which might I add is far better then most wolves thanks to Driaks experiments. I leaned against the bars casually crossing my legs as I grew a claw then pulled it back.

"So forward for such a little thing who knew she had it in her? I know I didn't. Sure she acts tough but inside she's just a scared jealous child trying to keep up with the adults of the pack. I am surprised though that you didn't give her what she wants especially after she gave herself to you. Really bad form slo poke. Though I must say congratulations on not being completely pussy whip-"

He sprang forward in anger partially shifted eyes glowing as he tried to grab at my throat. Spinning out of the way I used the claw I had been playing with and scratched his arm. Instantly he froze unable to move. The poison in my one claw had paralysed him. I casually walked around the arm that was still half way through the bars. His eyes tracked my movements fear in them. I smiled at that look. Now they would know just how powerful I was. I grabbed his arm my canines growing slowly as I inched closer to his skin.

Just before my teeth pierced his skin he was pulled away. I growled bursting into my wolf charging at the bars as Owen stumbled to the ground with Slo. Able to move again Slo scrambled to his feet next to Owen as he was fit to bursting into wolf form aswell. The only thing stopping him was Owens calming effect. I prowled the bars growling low my wolf pissed at missing my chance.

"Slo get out of here now!"

I snarled at Owen. Slo was panting from fear and anger.


That seemed to break through as Slos breathing returned to normal and he ran up the stairs leaving Owen behind. I shifted back laughing not even caring that Owen saw me naked. I spoke between gut reaching fits of laughter.

"That... was.....too...funny."

Owens eyes glowed in anger as he tossed another pair of tights and a tank top at me. I caught them my laughs slowing to chuckles as I put them on.

"What did you do?!"

His voice was low, dangerously low. Owen was far older and more wiser then Slo. My usual tricks wouldn't work on him. He was too unpredictable. Dressed again I resumed my casual lean against the bars ignoring his menacing stare.

"Oh nothing just teaching him a lesson."

Owens eyes still glowed as he stepped closer but not enough that I could reach him. He stared at me almost like he was searching for something.

"Are you really that far gone?"

The question surprised me. Hadn't my actions so far already answered that question. Were they that clueless? Facing him fully I threaded my arms through the bars leaning against them giving him my full attention.

"Are you really this stupid?"

Slowly the glow in his eyes disappeared as he sighed.

"You have her eyes you know."

I smiled was he seriously trying to play me like I had played Slo?

"Your mother, my sister was a kind hearted soul. She loved that she was having a baby-"

Cutting him off I raised a finger.

"Before you go off on a spiel of how I have family and all that jazz. I just want to ask one question. How the fuck didn't she know she had twins? It's the twenty first century where these things can be found out you know."

Owen didn't answer at first. He seemed pleased by my question. Clearly he was getting the wrong idea. First rule when playing mind games don't let the other person get ahead. Best way to do that tempt them with something that gives them the illusion of gaining ground.

"Your sister was a hidden twin, with each ultrasound she was not visible. I'm sure she would've been visible eventually usually happens around twenty two weeks but your mother went into labour early. Both of you were born prematurely."

I remained silent. I honestly already knew all that Driak telling I was born early and research did the rest but that wasn't the point of this. I had successfully stopped his previous train of thought without him even realising it.

Owen looked at me sideways when the silence stretched further.

"Is there anything else you wanted to know? About your parents? Your pack?"

I shrugged turning my back as I started to do more push ups.

"Nope I'm good."

Owen watched me for a few seconds then after awhile left the basement. I stopped doing push ups. God these people were so easy to manipulate. No wonder they could never find us. They were hopeless as a pack. I lay down staring at the ceiling until well into the night. I listened in on the various conversations going on inside the house. Nothing interesting just your average talk about the monster in the basement that had strange paralysis powers. Idiots the lot of them. Finally after being bored out of my mind I closed my eyes falling asleep.

The sound of buzzing woke me up. Snapping to my feet i growled into the night. It must have been late since the house seemed quiet. My eyes searched the dark for the buzzing of a fly. I tracked its progress as it flew down the stairs. There was something strange about it. Unlike normal flies their flight pattern erratic this one seemed to have a specific target in mind. It landed on the floor before the cage. I watched in amusement as it started to shift.

Red hair and big boobs stood before me. I chuckled as she grabbed some clothes off the pile and put them on. Well well things just got interesting. Standing up I smirked at her raising an eyebrow in mock surprise.

"Cora, how nice of you to pay me a visit. I would offer something to drink but well..."

I indicated the cage.

"You know how it is."

She scowled at me her fists clenching. I could tell she was trying to seem braver then she felt but I saw the tremor of fear in her hands.

"I'm here to make you an offer."

I smiled widely.

"Well colour me intrigued. What is it you think you can offer that I would want?"

She held her head high trying to exude confidence and failing badly.

"I'll set you free if you agree to leave our pack alone."

I chuckled.

"Well as tempting as that may be opening the bars is one thing. How are you going to get me passed the guards and an entire house full of wolves. I can't shift into any shape like you. Though I am surprised Vericus was hiding such a rare find. I thought I smelt something different about you."

Cora smiled smugly.

"I'm sure you'll manage the guards as long as you don't kill them."

I shrugged.

"I'm not used to holding back. Are you sure you what to do this? What are you prepared to loose to save the rest of your pack?"

Her answer was instant.

"Anything I'll do Whatever it takes even if a have to let a monster like you free. if it meant saving Slo and the others."

I clapped my hands, that's exactly what I wanted to hear.

"Very well set me free and I will not touch even a hair on the rest of your packs head."

"How do I know you'll keep your word?"

I frowned faking being offended.

"I may be a killer but I do have some honour. You have my word the rest of your pack are safe from these blood stained hands."

Breathing a sigh of relief she relaxed. I watched her closely as she stepped forward and unlocked the cage. The second the latch clicked I had her by the throat. She grabbed at my hand as I lifted her up cutting off air.


I chuckled pulling her close our faces inches away.

"I gave my word that the rest of your pack would be safe and I'll keep it, however that promise didn't include you."

Putting her feet back on the floor I scratched her paralysing her just as I had Slo. Unable to move I leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"First rule when dealing with an enemy never show your hand."

I lifted my head back as vampire fangs instead of canines snapped out of my jaws. Cora's eyes widened in fear as I bit down on her neck. Drawing her blood I started to suck her power from her. What luck. to have the power to shift into any shape would come in handy. I felt her body sag against me the paralysis wearing off. My poison didn't last long but sometimes a few seconds was the difference between life and death.

Suddenly the door burst into splinters, Slos wolf leaping at us. Reacting fast id taken enough of Cora's power as I shifted into a cockroach dropping to the floor and disappearing into a gap in the stones. Slo shifted back catching her before she hit the ground his screams reaching me as I made my way through the foundation of the house.


Fat chance little wolf. With this power you'll never find me. With this power he'll never see me coming. I was finally free and now all that was left was an immortal to kill.

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