"How is it going, Aios?" tanya Ivy.
"As I said before," jawab Aios. "It's not that hard. I have changed the network of this device. You can use it to connect with Captain and the others."
Aios kemudian mengembalikan gawai tersebut kepada Shasha, namun gadis itu menolaknya.
"Maybe it would have been better if Ivy had handled it."
"You sure?" tanya Ivy.
"Why not?" kata Shasha pula balik bertanya seraya melepas earphone dari telinga kirinya dan memberikan benda tersebut kepada Ivy. "It may be more useful in your hand than mine. Take it."
"Well, if you said so …" Ivy menerima earphone dari tangan Shasha, dan menerima gawai lainnya dari Aios. "It doesn't matter to me who is holding this device, as long as we stick together. But ... yeah, maybe there's a thing or two I can do later with this tool."
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