
The World of Green that Went Unseen

The gates creaked open, their hinges popping loudly as the metal gears turned for the first time since the last raid. The soldiers moved forward as a unit, separating from us and I let go of William's hand in fear of Joth seeing it. He seemed a little hurt that I did so, staring at me silently for a bit before pushing ahead, leaving me where I was standing. I wanted to ask him why he looked at me like that and what it meant, but instead of quelling my curiosity, I just followed the soldiers.

Because I was quite a bit shorter than everyone else, I didn't get to see the outside until we were all out of the gates.

Once the crowd broke up a bit, the green peeked through and my heart stopped, catching my breath in my throat. I knew it was pretty, but all of the times I had attempted to escape were at night, so I never got to see the true captivating beauty of the forest.

The trees were thick and dense- Oh God! I had never seen anything like it! Vivid greens and yellows poked through and I could finally hear the birds chirping. I had never heard them in the compound. It was beautiful.

The men began to walk on the path down the right, heading towards the trail out to the border. I lagged behind watching William. I couldn't even begin to comprehend my excitement and I just wanted to share it with him! He was the only person who I knew would understand what I was feeling.

When he finally rejoined me, all of my excitement bubbled out, words tripping over themselves as I pointed to new things that I saw.

"William! It's... I..." I trailed off, unable to find the words to describe how I felt. He just smiled at me.

"I know."

"I knew it was green I just didn't know it'd be..." I paused for a moment then threw my arms open wide. "This much!" He laughed, deep in his stomach, loud and rumbling. I turned to hide my cherry red cheeks.

"Just wait 'til you see all the old buildings." He said. Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me gently towards the departing soldiers. My eyes were still on the forest. I could see little ferns growing up from around the tree roots, so delicate and pretty. We didn't have ferns in the compound. It was new. Everything was new. I stumbled on my feet and tore my eyes off the trees.

We had caught up with the men. They were dead silent for a while, so William and I hung in the back, talking quietly among ourselves.

"Can I ask you a question?" William whispered. I nodded.

"Why do they treat you the way that they treat you?" I pondered for a moment, thinking of a good way to answer this particular question. If I was being honest with myself, I didn't rightly know the answer either.

"The best answer I can give you is... I don't know. I couldn't tell you. I never understood why I was treated different either. Ever since they found me, it's like I've been a science project to them. Everything I do is monitored and closely evaluated. It's like I'm myself, but I don't belong to me." I scratched the back of my neck. "I don't know. Does that make any sense at all?" I said. William nodded and we walked quietly for a moment before I spoke again. "I think it's because they think I get special treatment since my room is on the 5th floor with the Director's. Or maybe because I'm a part of all of the meetings that normal civilians aren't allowed into. Perhaps it makes them angry... Can I ask you a question?" He smiled and nodded. I thought for a moment, choosing my words carefully. "How did you find me when I was in the basement? Did she send you to look for me?" I asked. I hoped that wasn't the case. Actually, I was mentally praying that it wasn't. I felt like if she sent him down there, it would mean that he's just another pawn in her game.

He was silent for a beat before speaking.

"They told me that you tried to escape numerous times and that they had caught you yet again. They told me that you were now my charge and I was secretly briefed on everything they knew about you. Then I was given a tour of the facility and the gardens. After that, they let me explore for an hour and told me that I would meet you in the basement after they brought you back from your latest escape. Honestly I was just scoping out where I needed to be. And then... Well... I found you down there..." He trailed off, his expression turning stony. "When I went down to help you, all I could think was how could they do this to a member of their own compound. I mean, since this specific compound runs all the rest, I guess I assumed they would set good examples for the other leaders." I stopped in my tracks at his words. Wait wait wait. Our compound? Runs the other compounds?

"What do you mean they run the rest?" I asked. My ears were surely deceiving me. He slowed to a stop, readjusting his backpack and looking back at me.

"They run the other compounds in a lot of the other factions as well as their own." I was silent, staring at him. "Haven't you ever wondered why generals from completely different factions would come to the war room to speak with the Director?" I shook my head, bewildered.

"I thought they sought peace or were upholding treaties. I had no idea that my director was that powerful." I breathed. William's eyes went wide.

"Hey you know those books on the Nazis and Hitler?" He asked. I nodded slowly, breath faltering. "Well they call her the new Hitler in all the other factions. She's not just a Director, Calypso. She's a dictator. And she'll do anything to anyone to stay in power." Oh god, it all made sense now! All of her actions, all of the things she had control over. It had to be true. My blood was rushing in my body, ears ringing. I took a deep breath trying to calm down.

"How do I fit in I wonder." I spoke my thoughts aloud and began walking again. It was all I could do to not sit in the dirt. My knees were shaking at the thought of her looming over me no matter were I went. Could she find me anywhere? How far did her reach extend? Oh god I felt sick! William kept my pace, falling in by my side.

"Maybe you're her scapegoat. You know, someone completely innocent blamed for problems they didn't cause."

We walked quickly to catch up to the soldiers. All but Joth hadn't noticed our absence, but since that man was a vulture preying on the weak, he swooped down next to us. The whole squad stopped, staring straight ahead.

I knew what was coming.

"Where did you go." He demanded. William piped up.

"She had to tie her shoe sir." Joth glared at him.

"I didn't ask you soldier. Now. Where. Were. You." He got close to my face and I flinched ever so slightly.

"I-I just had to tie my shoe..." I whispered to him, my eyes were on the ground. Joth smirked, pleased at how easily he could frighten me. He clamped his hand roughly on the back of my head and brought me forward so he could place his disgusting lips on my forehead.

"That's my girl. Ever so obedient" he said and released me, moving back to the front.

Everyone began walking again like nothing had happened. He truly commanded an subservient army. No one would dare question his authority. My legs felt weak and I struggled to stay up on my feet. William came close to me, supporting my elbow secretly.

"I won't ask what he's done. Again, I know you'll tell me when you're ready. But I don't think I can stand by and watch him do that to you anymore. I might kill him." He whispered. I shook my head.

"There are worse things than being murdered. He won't hesitate to do them to you." My hands were still trembling. William scoffed.

"And you would know because he's done them to you?" He asked angrily.

"Yes." I croaked. The sun was beginning to set and the soldiers were pulling off the road into the woods.

"We better catch up." I muttered. He nodded and stuck to my side as we followed the men in.

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