
1 vs 10

Seeing that they were ready to engage me again I took a last deep breath and signaled them to come at me. Showing my sharp teeth I grinned at them. 'I can do this all day.'

To be honest, I was a little excited, it has been so long since I had a decent fight...

All the killing was a good way for me to level up, I reached level 29 and even got a title called 'Monster Slicer', giving me 10% more damage with slice attacks and a plus 5 % chance to inflict a bleeding effect when inflicting damage. The only reason why I´m doing so good is, that my mentality stat is too high for them to inflict me with their fear skill.

Seeing that I decimated them, the younger one backed off. Well, at least what is left of them... Now that their numbers are drastically reduced the more experienced one finally stepped forth. They were bulkier and gave off an aura of someone that had already experienced many life and death fights, like the royal guard where I used to live but much weaker...

The 10 of them began to circle around me, but this time they all charged me at the same time, instead of chain attacking me.

Seeing them closing on to me I clapped my hands and produced a sand cloud before running towards the one right in front of me. Being blinded by the cloud of sand, they all backed off, giving me enough time to use the skill conceal. 'Ts, now I just have enough mana for 2 more skills.'

The wolves quickly recovered from it and looked around. Upon noticing that I was nowhere to be seen, they started to sniff around. One of them gnashed its teeth and lunged in front of him to bite seemingly air, just to get decapitated.

'One down nine to go.'

Some of the blood splattered on me, canceling my concealment. The others didn´t even flinch or hesitate to rush towards me. Conjuring a sand shield blocking three of them, two were coming from behind with opened jaws ready to shred me into pieces. One of them left a nasty scratch across my back but paid it with its life as I rammed my dagger into its throat. The other one was blocked with the dead body of its comrade.

'Two down eight to go.'

Realizing that I only have half of my Hp left, and is steadily going down, due to the many bleeding wounds, I decided to end it as quickly as possible.

Pushing the three in front of me back, that are still trying to break through my sand shield, I turned around and bit the one in its neck, ripping a big chunk out of him. It gurgled in its own blood and managed to bite into my shoulder but was too weak to pierce through my sand armor.

With my combat mode skill, I have a nearly 360-degree view, I saw that one was leaping through the air towards me. Doing a forward role I picked up my dagger and cut through the jaws of the wolf that was already awaiting me.

'Four down six to go.'

The three I pushed away quickly charged at me once again. Picking up the corps of one of the dead wolves. I threw it at them, hitting two of them, whereas one managed to leap out of the way. Letting out a short whimper the two being hit flew 5 meters back and crashed to the ground unmoving, but they definitely survived this.

So now there are two being stuck under the wolf corps, one charging me from the front, one charging me from the right, and two from behind.

Quickly catching my breath I waited for the one in front of me to get closer, before throwing my dagger. Hitting the bull's eye... eh, well, the wolf's eye. The wolf survived as it tilted its head and avoiding the dagger to reach its brain. Whimpering the wolf backed away and tried to desperately pull out the dagger with its fluffy paws but failing miserably.

The two behind me were the next closest to me, so I once again waited for them to get closer. Getting into arms reach I turned around and stepped in between them. Grabbing their heads, I slammed them into the ground with all my might, cracking their heads and the ground. Killing them instantly.

'Six down four to go.'

'Puh, that was close, thank the gods that they weren´t any quicker.' Ending my short thought I saw the one to my right jumping at me with a camouflage skill, but with my honed instincts, I easily sense its concealed bloodlust. I made a sand shield, blocking him midair, and hurled him away. Quickly run towards the wolf that was still trying to get the dagger out I slipped and stumbled, falling face first down into the ground smearing my face with more blood. The one I shoved back used this change and rushed me.

I managed to turn around just in time before getting my head bitten off. Grabbing its jaw I tried to push him off of me, but its sharp teeth dug into my hands. Gritting my teeth out of pain I let out a cry and turned its head with all my might, breaking its neck. Like cutting the strings from a puppet the wolf landed on top of me.

'Seven down three to go.'

Pushing the body away I could see that the two I threw the corps at are now up shacking the dizziness out of their heads. One saw the wolf with my dagger stuck in his eye and decided to help it pulling the dagger out, whereas the other one was already in my personal space.

Rolling out of the way I dodged a paw slam by a hair´s breadth and stood up but stumbled a little due to the constant running and slicing. Standing on my wobbling feet I faced him. We starred at each other for a moment before starting to run towards each other at full speed.

Just as it was about to jump, I used the last of my mana to make a small sand shield and back slapped him away and continued to run towards the one with my dagger. Seeing me running at them they turned towards me, gnashing their teeth's and showed me their canines. Coming in sticking distance I jumped and dropkicked him in the face, shoving the dagger deeper into its eye and stabbing its brain.

Landing to the ground with a thud I quickly jumped up to my feet while grabbed my dagger but was interrupted by the wolf biting me into my right side.


Screaming in pain I turned towards the wolf, ripping out its eyes with my bare hand it cried in pain but persisted through the pain, continuing clinging to me with dear life. Showing no signs of letting go, I pulled my hand back and making my hand flat I rammed it into its right eyehole reaching its brain. Feeling the teeth in my side weaken I pulled out my hand out of its warm head.

'Nine down one to go.'

Clutching the wound with my hand I pulled out my dagger and turned around to see the last one running at me.

Standing with buckling knees, I gripped my dagger in my hand and raised it behind my head.

With one quick motion, it was sent flying through the air.


Letting out a little yelp, the last wolf stumbled and rolled right before my feet.

Staring down at it I grabbed my dagger, pulling it out.

'Ten down none to go.'

But before I could enjoy this moment any longer, the sound of dozens of growling wolves could be heard around me. Looking around everyone was growling or fletching their teeth like crazed beasts. Just as quickly as they began, they stop, replacing it with the sound of a loud rhythmic thumping.







Turning around the last of my hope vanished completely. Seeing the towering monster standing behind me induced me with fear. Standing at three-meter high it looked down at me with emotionless eyes, no it looked like it was boring and uninterested.

Letting out a short huff the others backed off and began to pull the fallen comrades away, creating a big circle. Lowering its head to face me, I froze up, this wolf was a low tier 3 monster. 'Why is a tier 3 monster here? He shouldn´t even be here, to begin with! The alpha could kill me anytime now and he knows that. I would have a 10% chance to beat him if I were at full health, but now? With so many injuries? No chance in hell!'

So not daring to even move a muscle I stood still wondering if my time ends now.

But to my surprise, it only took a few sniffs and growled, before huffing and turning around. The other wolves were as confused as me.

'Why did he spare me?'


Brought back out of my stupor, a big black crow landed in front of me and spoke in a hoarse voice "Craah, you have 10 hours to prepare yourself, craah!" As quick as it landed it flew away again.

Slumping to my knees I looked at the leaving pack, dragging with them as many dead wolves as they could. After they are finally out of view, an image of a particular grey snake appeared in my mind. I panicked as I remembered my tiny hero and looked back ignoring the pain and fatigue.

Covering my open wounds with my sand armor I limped towards the tree, where I saw him running towards, with heavy steps.

Every step I took tightened my heart, thinking about the worst.

'What if he died? No no no no, that can´t be! He is my little hero. He has to survive! He must be alive!'

Quickening my steps, I stumbled and fell but caught myself on the tree, using it as a support.

Looking behind me a big wave of relief washed over me, I couldn´t help but smile at the sight.

In front of me was a large snake resting on top of an eyeless wolf. His once beautiful grey scales are now covered with the blood of his enemies, making him look fear-inducing or terrifying. Maybe due to the glowing tree, but to me he shined in a majestic light.

'Ah~ He has grown so much.'

With a big smile on my face, I leaned against the tree and fell asleep as the tiredness finally caught up to me.

Bonus chapter for reaching 100K views and 500 people that put this novel in their library!

And thanks for everyone that is still reading this novel and motivating me with their comments!

Stay save my dear readers!

Man_of_culturecreators' thoughts
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